Intelligent Operation J. Dou Internet-Draft Y. Su Intended status: Standards Track Z. Li Expires: 30 April 2025 R. Chen CAICT 16 October 2024 INTERNET-DRAFT An requirement of Cloud Network Intelligent Operation and Maintenance. draft-doujiali-cloudnetwork-intelligentoperation-00 Abstract This document intends to serve as a standard for Cloud Network Intelligent Operation and Maintenance. Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." This Internet-Draft will expire on 30 April 2025. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Table of contents 1. Introduction 2.O&M technical service capabilities 3.Organizational service capabilities 4.Security Considerations 5.Cloud-network planning and deployment capabilities 6.IANA Considerations 7.References 1 Introduction It includes the following aspects: data collection, O&M platform management, business management, organization management, security capabilities, high availability, and cloud network planning and deployment capabilities. 2 O&M technical service capabilities 2.1Overview This metric is defined as an end-to-end data collection capability, which includes hardware, network, operating system, middleware, application metrics, logs, events, call traces, and other related data. 2.2Data collection capabilities 1)Supports the collection capability of underlay& overlay layer data, including but not limited to CPU, memory, network card, I/O, etc. 2)Supports the collection of network traffic performance indicators, such as throughput, latency, jitter, packet loss rate, etc.; 3)It supports the data collection, identification and analysis of network layer protocols of network traffic, and the collection of protocol performance and abnormal data of each layer. 2.3O&M management capabilities 2.3.1Resource management capabilities 1)It supports unified management and automatic discovery of devices and resources at the underlay and overlay layers. 2)It supports unified management capabilities of middleware, including but not limited to message middleware, transaction middleware, application service middleware etc. 3)On-demand quota management of computing resources at the application level is supported. 2.3.2Data analysis capabilities 1)Support the whole process management of data analysis. 2)Load analysis of computing resources, network devices, virtual network nodes, and network links. 2.3.3Monitoring and visualization capabilities 1)It supports real-time monitoring of resources and devices, including but not limited to the real-time running status of computing resources, network resources, storage resources, and security resources. 2)Supports dynamic real-time perception and update of the relationship between distributed applications, microservice applications, and network resources on the cloud. 2.3.4Configure management capabilities 1)Supports change control management of configuration items, such as managing configuration items from the perspective of applications and network resources. 2)Checksum error alarms can be configured. 3)Correlation relationships between configuration items can be automatically collected 2.3.5Ability to manage policies 1)It supports the design, addition, delivery, and execution of automated policies. 2)Supports the construction of basic configuration policy models. 3)It supports the ability to generate configuration scripts, deliver and execute policies in batches. 2.4Business management capabilities 2.4.1Intelligent alarm capability 1)Multiple sources of alarm events are supported. 2)Alarm rules can be configured and managed by classification. 3)Alarm correlation detection and recording are supported. 2.4.2Troubleshooting capabilities 1)It supports fault classification and hierarchical management, and builds models based on machine learning and deep learning. 2)It supports the construction of a fault handling rule library and the formation of a fault prediction model. 3)It supports the ability to quickly deal with faults, based on root cause location and recommended handling methods. 2.4.3Intelligent optimization capabilities Optimize network performance configuration and automatically c ollect network performance-related data (including but not limited to device operation information, network traffic logs, link topology logs, and performance indicator logs) in real time. 3 Organizational service capabilities 3.1Personnel management capabilities 1)Support basic information management of personnel organizations, departments, and roles. 2)Support shift management of whether the staff is on duty and whether they are idle. 3)Support the formation of character portraits based on the characteristics of the person's history, work orders, problems that he is good at handling. 3.2Document management capabilities Write product description documents, FAQ documents or user help manuals to ensure that the concept definition is accurate, the applicable scenarios are clear, and the operation process is standardized. 4 Security Considerations 4.1Infrastructure security Support infrastructure, including computing devices protection, storage devices, network devices, and other devices. 4.2Data storage is secure 1)Supports key data transmission and storage encryption. 2)Supports the desensitization of user privacy sensitive data. 3)Data backup and disaster recovery, and data backup integrity verification are supported. 4.3Access and exit security 1)Data APIs can be used to invoke identity authorization verification. 2)Data signature verification is supported. 3)The timeout mechanism is supported. 4.4Cybersecurity 1)Supports anti-network attack mechanism and intrusion protection mechanism. 2)Network isolation is supported. 5 Cloud-network planning and deployment capabilities 5.1Cloud-network planning capabilities 1)Supports intent analysis capabilities. 2)It supports the configuration and rendering of software resources and hardware resources based on the architecture model, and dynamically adjusts the ability. 3)Online and offline scaling capabilities are supported. 5.2Cloud-network delivery capability 1)Support automated delivery capabilities. 2)The SAI layer is supported to abstract and unify heterogeneous resources and shield hardware differentiation. 3)The cloud-network software module supports full-cycle software license management. 6 IANA Considerations This document has no IANA actions. 7.References 7.1 Normative references to the reference documents The listed documents are essential provisions of this document. Dated references apply only to the corresponding version. Undated references refer to the latest version available. GB/T 32400-2015 Information Technology Cloud Computing Overview and vocabulary 7.2 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations GB/T 32400-2015 defined and the following terms, definitions and abbreviation. 7.2.1 Terms and definitions 7.2.2 Public cloud : public cloud A cloud deployment model can be used by any cloud service customer. [ GB/T 32400-2015 ,3.2.33] 7.2.3 Cloud Networking Cloud networking offers connectivity to and between applications and workloads across clouds, cloud services, on-premises data centers, and edge networks. 7.3 Abbreviations The following abbreviations apply to this document. O&M represents Operations &Maintenance. Acknowledgments Authors' Addresses Jiali. Dou CAICT 52 Huayuan North Road Beijing China Email: Yue Su CAICT Email: Zihan. Li CAICT Email: Ruihao Chen CAICT Email: