Internet Engineering Task Force R. Bless Internet-Draft Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Intended status: Experimental 19 October 2024 Expires: 22 April 2025 Kademlia-directed ID-based Routing Architecture (KIRA) draft-bless-rtgwg-kira-01 Abstract This document describes the Kademlia-directed ID-based Routing Architecture KIRA. KIRA offers highly scalable zero-touch IPv6 connectivity, i.e., it can connect hundred thousands of routers and devices in a single network (without requiring any form of hierarchy like areas). It is self-organizing to achieve a zero-touch solution that provides resilient (control plane) IPv6 connectivity without requiring any manual configuration by operators. It works well in various topologies and is loop-free even during convergence. The architecture consists of the ID-based network layer routing protocol R²/Kad in its routing tier and a Path-ID-based forwarding tier. The topological independent IDs can be embedded into IPv6 addresses, so that KIRA provides zero-touch IPv6 connectivity between KIRA nodes. Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet- Drafts is at Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." This Internet-Draft will expire on 22 April 2025. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 1] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License. Table of Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1. Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Overview of KIRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3. Protocol Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1. Addressing, NodeIDs and the XOR Metric . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2. NodeID Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.3. Routing Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.4. Node Startup and Vicinity Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.5. Join Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.6. Path Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.7. Overhearing of R²/Kad Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.8. Periodic Path Probing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.9. Dynamics: Recovery from Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.9.1. Path Rediscovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.9.2. Ensuring Routing Information Validity . . . . . . . . 17 3.10. Fast Forwarding of CP Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.11. Endsystem Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4. Protocol Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.1. Protocol Message Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.2. Protocol Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.3. Protocol Message Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.4. R²/Kad Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.4.1. Common Message Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.4.2. Protocol Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.4.3. R²/Kad Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5. Hash Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6. Protocol Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6.1. Reserved NodeIDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 7. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 8. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 9. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 9.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 9.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 2] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 1. Introduction KIRA is a scalable zero-touch distributed routing solution that is tailored to control planes, i.e., in contrast to commonly used routing protocols like OSPF, ISIS, BGP etc., it prioritizes resilient connectivity over route efficiency. It scales to 100,000s of nodes in a single network, it uses ID-based addresses, is zero-touch (i.e., it requires no configuration for and after deployment) and is able to work well in various network topologies. Moreover, it offers a flexible memory/stretch trade-off per node, shows fast recovery from link or node failures, and is loop-free, even during convergence. Additionally, it includes a built-in Distributed Hash Table (DHT) that can be used for simple name service registration and resolution, thereby helping to realize autonomic network management and control and zero-touch deployments. 1.1. Requirements Language The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. 2. Overview of KIRA KIRA's main objective is to provide self-organized robust control plane (CP) connectivity on top of a link-layer topology. The CP is typically used to configure, monitor, manage, and control networked resources (switches, routers, end-systems). The goal is to never lose control over the resources as long as there exist paths leading to them. KIRA is structured into a two-tier architecture consisting of a Routing Tier and a Forwarding Tier (see Figure 1. KIRA runs the zero-touch, distributed, highly scalable, ID-based routing protocol R²/Kad in the Routing Tier to find viable paths to destinations. The core concept of R²/Kad is that it discovers paths in the underlying topology by using an ID-based overlay routing scheme combined with source routing between overlay hops. KIRA nodes employ this information to construct fast path forwarding tables in the Forwarding Tier for CP data traffic (e.g., packets from control plane applications). While source routing is robust (since it does not require converged routes) it can cause significant overhead, especially for small payloads. The Forwarding Tier avoids this overhead for CP data traffic by using PathIDs as forwarding state instead of the source routes and a scheme that is similar to label switching. However, existing forwarding support for IPv6 in hardware can be used, so KIRA does not require specialized new forwarding mechanisms. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 3] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 R²/Kad employs a flat ID-based addressing scheme to easily support zero-touch operation, self-organization as well as mobility and multi-homing. ID-based routing (sometimes also denoted as name- independent routing or routing with flat identifiers) has the advantage of providing stable addresses (called NodeIDs) to upper layers. Thus, in case (virtual) resources are moved within the topology, any control connection to them stays alive. In contrast to other ID-based addressing approaches, KIRA is a genuine ID-based approach, because it does not use topological addresses at all and thus does not require any additional identifier-locator mapping (increased risk of non-consistency) and associated protocols (additional overhead and convergence time). As just motivated, R²/Kad uses topologically independent NodeIDs, generated by the KIRA nodes themselves, so address assignment is performed in a distributed manner by each node autonomously. Typically, NodeIDs are taken from a 112 bit address space, but depending on the network size, smaller NodeIDs are possible. KIRA uses IPv6 packets [RFC8200] for its messages and CP data packets, because NodeIDs can be easily embedded into an IPv6 address (e.g., 16 bit prefix + 112 bit NodeID) and existing hardware-based and software-based forwarding mechanisms can be leveraged. Mainly very basic IPv6 features like link-local addresses, the packet format, fragmentation, and neighbor discovery are used, e.g., it does not require any address configuration features or router discovery. The _Forwarding Tier_ is able to forward IPv6 packets, so that (control) applications can use IPv6 and all corresponding transport protocols above. R²/Kad messages use source routing based on NodeIDs whereas traffic in the Forwarding Tier uses NodeIDs and PathIDs for its forwarding decision. PathIDs are conceptually a hash from a sequence of NodeIDs that build a path segment. PathIDs are unique (with high probability) for a path segment. To carry PathIDs in addition to the final destination NodeID, the original IPv6 packet becomes encapsulated, e.g., using a GRE header that contains the PathID for the path segment that the packet should traverse next. Intermediate nodes simply exchange the PathID at each hop with the PathID of the remaining path segment (similar to label switching), or they strip the outer header when the next node is the end of a path segment. PathIDs are precomputed in a 2-hop vicinity of a KIRA node and are installed by R²/Kad signaling in some intermediate nodes on demand for paths longer than five hops. To forward CP packets KIRA nodes only need to perform lookups in their NodeID forwarding table and/or PathID forwarding table, perform encapsulation or decapsulation and rewrite PathIDs. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 4] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Routing Tier ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐ │R²/Kad │ │ Control │ │ ┌───────────────────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌──────────┐ │ │ Plane │ │ │- Path Discovery │ │ Routing │ │Path │ │ │ Applications│ │ │- Routing │ │ Table │ │Management│ │ │ │ │ │- Failure Recovery │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───────────────────┘ └───────────┘ └────┬─────┘ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────▲───────────────────────────────────┼───────┘ └─────▲───────┘ │ │ │Trans- │ ┌────────────┬──────┘ │port R²/Kad │ Forwarding │ │ │over Msgs │ Tier │ │ │IPv6 │ ┌─┬─────────▼─┬──┬───────▼─────┬─┬─────────┬─┬──▼───────┬─┐ │ │ │NodeID │ │PathID │ │Encaps./ │ │Node Local│ │ │ │ │Forwarding │ │Forwarding │ │Decaps. │ │Forwarding│ │ │ │ │Table │ │Table │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───────────┘ └─────────────┘ └─────────┘ └─▲────────┘ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌─────────────────────────────────┴─┐ │ │ │ ┌─►│ Fast Forwarding ├──┐ │ │ └─────────┼──┴───────────────────────────────────┴──┼─────┘ ▼ IPv6 ──┘ └─►IPv6 UDP+IPv6 Figure 1: KIRA-Architecture CP applications (e.g., SDN controllers, Kubernetes Cluster Controllers, Virtual Infrastructure Manager, traditional OAM applications and so on) simply use NodeIDs as addresses for the resources/devices they want to control or for other controllers they want to exchange state with. Therefore, CP applications can transparently use the connectivity established by KIRA. Since NodeIDs are randomly generated, KIRA provides a simple built-in key/ value store (Distributed Hash Table – DHT) that can be used as name service. KIRA nodes and services can dynamically register their NodeID under a certain well-known name and other KIRA nodes can lookup their corresponding NodeIDs. The DHT functionality will be specified as a separate KIRA module and corresponding application interfaces are out-of-scope for this specification. KIRA nodes possess relatively small routing tables, that grow with O(log(n)), where n is the number of KIRA nodes in the network (see [KIRA-Networking-2022] for evaluation results). The advantage of small routing tables is scalability, but comes at the cost of path stretch. That is, packets to destinations that are not kept in the routing table of a node take a longer path than the shortest possible Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 5] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 path, because they are using the ID-based overlay routing strategy. However, KIRA nodes will learn the shortest paths to all 'contacts' in their routing tables and it is a node local decision how large the routing table can be. For example, a controller node may add all KIRA nodes that it controls as contacts to its routing table. Because KIRA uses source routing in R²/Kad and PathID-based forwarding in its forwarding tier, it can easily support multi-path routing and keeping backup paths for fast failover reactions. KIRA uses a mixture of reactive and periodic mechanisms to cope with link and node failures. Error messages that indicate failed links usually trigger routing updates and a path rediscovery procedure. However, routing updates are not flooded to all KIRA nodes, so some nodes may still have obsolete path information. These inconsistencies will be detected either when using the obsolete path to a contact (triggering an error message from the node before the broken link) or by a maintenance procedure that is carried out periodically. These periodic maintenance procedures test the validity of the currently known paths and may also trigger a rediscovery procedure to find alternative paths. Moreover, KIRA also possesses a specific end-system mode, where KIRA nodes are part of the KIRA network, but they are not exchanging routing information and are not forwarding packets for other KIRA nodes. Finally, KIRA also supports a domain concept. A KIRA node may be member of one or multiple domains. Unless configured otherwise, a KIRA node is member of the global domain with DomainID=0 by default. KIRA nodes keep their NodeID for all domains, the only difference is that routes are guaranteed to run inside a domain D in case source and destination node are both members of this domain D. This allows for using domains for administrative purposes (e.g., all KIRA nodes inside the same Autonomous System could be part of the same domain) or to use domains to build clusters of KIRA nodes that are grouped by closeness in the underlying network topology. 3. Protocol Operation This section gives on overview of the main concepts with respect to the R²/Kad protocol operation. First KIRA's ID-wise addressing concept is introduced, then the routing table structure is presented. After that several procedures are described, beginning with node startup, vicinity discovery, and the join procedure to populate the routing table, followed by path discovery, overhearing and rediscovery mechanisms. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 6] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 3.1. Addressing, NodeIDs and the XOR Metric Every KIRA instance uses a single NodeID as its address. The NodeID is taken from a larger unstructured address space [0..2^B-1] (typically B=112). KIRA uses the XOR (logical exclusive or) metric in this address space to define the distance between two NodeIDs X and Y (see also [Kademlia2002]). The distance function d(X,Y)= X XOR Y is interpreted as integer and fulfills all properties of a metric (d(X,Y)>=0, and d(X,Y)=0 <=> X=Y; d(X,Y)=d(X,Y); as well as the triangle inequality d(X,Y)<=d(X,Z)+d(Z,Y)). This distance function largely corresponds to a prefix bit distance metric d_p(X,Y) = B-lcp(X,Y), where lcp(X,Y) denotes the length longest common prefix in bits. The XOR metric is finer than the d_p(X,Y) metric though, because when there are X,Y, and Z with d_p(X,Y)=d_p(Y,Z)=d_p(X,Z), the XOR metric can uniquely determine whether Y or Z are closer to X. More generally speaking, for a given distance d(X,Y)=d there exists exactly one Y so that d(X,Y)=d. This property is important since it allows to unambiguously determine which NodeID is ID-wise closer to a given other NodeID and it provides the basis for KIRA's loop-freedom. Note that the ID space with this metric is not cyclic (i.e., a node with a very small NodeID is not close to a node with a very large NodeID). The XOR metric defines an overlay structure across all KIRA nodes in the ID space: KIRA nodes establish logical connections with their ID- wise closest overlay neighbors (which are typically different from the underlay neighbors) with respect to the XOR metric as distance metric, i.e., the ID-wise closer neighbors have a smaller distance according to XOR. KIRA uses this metric to determine the next KIRA node that a KIRA message is forwarded to in order to reach a certain destination NodeID. R²/Kad messages are forwarded by using source routing between overlay hops. In addition to NodeIDs, KIRA can use any ID from the ID space as destination address. Typically, names of objects can be hashed to result in a key value, which is called Resource ID. In this case, the ID-wise closest KIRA node will be found as responsible node for storing a value (or a referral) for this key. This makes it possible to provide an integrated DHT for name-to-NodeID registration and lookup. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 7] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 3.2. NodeID Creation NodeIDs are randomly generated and are taken from a 112 bit address space. Reserved NodeIDs Section 6.1 MUST NOT be used as NodeID of a KIRA node. Future versions of this specification will detail an algorithm to create self-certifying NodeIDs as using certain hash functions from a public key. NodeIDs are unique with high probability. However, in case two nodes possess the same NodeID, protocol mechanisms can be used to detect this situation and the conflict can be resolved by letting one side generate a new NodeID. Depending on a KIRA node's capabilities, NodeIDs (together with other protocol parameters) may be stored in non-volatile memory so that nodes keep their NodeID even after restart. Other KIRA nodes may choose to generate a new NodeID on every restart. 3.3. Routing Table The entries in the routing table (RT) are called 'contacts'. Contact data contains the NodeID of the contact as well a set of discovered paths that lead to this contact (besides other node state and attributes). A path to a contact is stored as path vector that contains a complete sequence of NodeIDs, which can be traversed to reach the contact. Except for contacts in its routing table, a KIRA node does not know paths to other destinations, but they can be discovered by using a recursive overlay routing strategy: a KIRA node source routes a packet to the contact (using the known path) that is the ID-wise closest to the destination ID according to its routing table. The next overlay hop performs the same action until the destination node is reached. After the initial discovery phase, only Underlay Neighbors (ULNs) and some contacts from the 3-hop underlay neighborhood are stored in the routing table. Underlay Neighbors are nodes attached to the links of the KIRA node (i.e., neighbors in the sense of [RFC8200] that are directly reachable via link layer and the Internet-layer or higher-layer tunnels). Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 8] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 R²/Kad's efficiency and flexibility is closely related to its routing table. It is structured as tree of k-buckets as in [Kademlia2002]. A k-bucket in the routing table contains a list of (at most) k contacts in distance between 2^i and 2^{i+1} (i.e., the bucket's range, where 0<=i<112) from this node. Usually, k>=20 is constant and the same for all buckets and nodes, but it can also be varied per node (k=40 is RECOMMENDED as default for R²/Kad). Buckets at deeper levels share more prefix bits with the node's own ID, however, buckets for small values of i are generally empty as no appropriate nodes exist in this address space. Thus, the highest bucket (depth 1) contains contacts from half of the ID space whose highest NodeID bit differs from the node's ID, whereas the deepest buckets contain all nodes that are ID-wise closest to the node (i.e., the ID-wise closest overlay neighbors). If KIRA node X learns a new contact Y, it puts it into the corresponding k-bucket b_l in case it still has capacity left. The bucket index l is determined by calculating the common prefix length between X and Y (number of high-order zero bits of d(X,Y)). If the bucket contains k entries already, it is split into two new buckets (and the contained entries moved to them accordingly) in case X falls into the bucket's range. Otherwise, a selection algorithm determines whether the new contact should replace an existing entry in this bucket. In our case we use Proximity Neighbor Selection (PNS) so that contacts with shorter path lengths are preferred. In case path lengths are equal, nodes with a higher degree are preferred as this results in shorter paths. An additional mechanism for path selection improves path diversity and prevents route flapping: in case an alternative path of equal length has been discovered for an already known contact, this path replaces the previous path only if the hash sum of the path elements is closer to the node's own NodeID. Due to the uniqueness property of the XOR metric, the path selection will always unambiguously converge to a unique path. Underlay neighbors are kept in special buckets that have no capacity limit, i.e., they will never be preempted. In general, routing also works without this ULN buckets extension of [Kademlia2002], but the resulting stretch will be slightly higher. X identifies its closest known contact in its RT by locating the k-bucket that corresponds to the longest matching prefix of destination Z with its own NodeID X by using d(X,Z). It then selects a contact with the shortest path vector from within the bucket; this is called Proximity Routing (PR). The XOR metric is used to uniquely select the ID-wise closest contact if all paths have equal length or if destination Z falls into the node's deepest bucket. Each contact typically contains the following information: Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 9] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 * _NodeID_ of the contact. * _State_: the state that the contact is considered to be in. It is one of _undefined_, _valid_, _rediscovering_, _invalid_, _dead_. * A set of path vectors, i.e., a complete sequence of NodeIDs that lead to the contact when traversed. There is an _active_ path (used as default), a _proposed_ path and possibly several backup or alternative paths. Paths possess also timestamps for points in time when they were last validated and when they were refreshed (using PathSetupRsp or ProbeRsp, see also Section 3.10). * _Sequence Number_: a sequence number that is determined by the contact and that changes when the underlay connectivity state changes at the contact, i.e., with newly detected or failed underlay neighbors. * _LastSeen_: time of last direct contact * _Sync ULN Sequence Number_: a sequence number used for state synchronization with ULNs. * _UnderlayNeighbor_: a bool value indicating that this contact is an underlay neighbor * _NodeDegree_: the contact's number of underlay neighbors. * _Rediscovery State_: temporary state keeping track of the rediscovery process. 3.4. Node Startup and Vicinity Discovery KIRA nodes generate their NodeID first (see Section 3.2). After that they start an initial discovery phase to explore their physical vicinity. After that, a join procedure and continuous discovery are periodically repeated. To let the node stay connected to its overlay and to improve the quality of discovered routes. In its initial discovery phase, a KIRA node discovers its underlay adjacencies, i.e., its underlay neighbors (ULNs) that can be directly reached via link-local communication on one of their network interfaces. KIRA nodes periodically send ULNHello messages to a well-known link local multicast address ALL-KIRA-NODES, and receiving nodes may reply with a ULNDiscoveryReq to set up an adjacency. This ULNDiscoveryReq MUST be answered by a ULNDiscoveryRsp to establish an adjacency. The protocol exchange ensures that bidirectional communication is possible between directly adjacent nodes. ULNs may be put into the _ULNTable_ either after receiving a ULNDiscoveryReq Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 10] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 as answer to a transmitted ULNHello or after receiving a ULNDiscoveryRsp as answer to a transmitted ULNDiscoveryReq. The ULNTable contains a mapping from NodeID to the link local unicast address of the ULN. This address is either taken from the source address of the ULNDiscoveryReq or the ULNDiscoveryRsp respectively. KIRA nodes also discover all nodes in their 3-hop physical neighborhood to populate their routing table, but the 2-hop vicinity is fully stored in a local graph structure ("vicinity graph"). The latter is used to precompute PathIDs for the 2-hop vicinity. ULNDiscoveryReq and ULNDiscoveryRsp messages contain a list of underlay neighbors so that all ULNs of ULNs will be learned, i.e., the 2-hop vicinity. However, possibly not all nodes in the 2-hop vicinity will be stored in the RT, therefore the vicinity graph structure is used to keep track of the 2-hop vicinity (new nodes and links). Especially, the state sequence numbers of all the nodes should be stored in the vicinity graph as well. All nodes in the 2-hop vicinity are queried for their ULNs by using a QueryRouteReq. QueryRouteReq/QueryRouteRsp messages are used to get ULNs or RTable objects from nodes in the vicinity. Depending on their NodeID and other criteria (e.g., NodeDegree), nodes from the 3-hop vicinity will be stored as contacts into the routing table. The vicinity graph structure is used to determine whether a new QueryRouteReq must be initiated according to the State Sequence Number. A KIRA node continues to populate its routing table by sending FindNodeReq messages to certain nodes and also to randomly chosen destinations (i.e., a randomly chosen ID from the NodeID space, a KIRA node does not need to exist for the chosen ID, the FindNodeReq will simply end at the KIRA node that is ID-wise closest to the destination ID). FindNodeRsp messages return a set of contacts that are ID-wise closest to the destination NodeID from the viewpoint of the responding KIRA node. The returned information is analyzed whether it can improve the local routing table, e.g., new and 'better' contacts or 'better' paths to already known contacts. 3.5. Join Procedure As result of the vicinity discovery, all ULNs of X and some nodes within its 3-hop radius will populate X’s RT. However, in order to get network connectivity and to contribute to connectivity, the node needs to find its ID-wise closest overlay neighbors and make itself known to them. Thus, to join the network KIRA node X simply "searches" for the k closest nodes to its own NodeID: X sends a FindNodeReq for its own NodeID X and the closest neighbor replies with FindNodeRsp. This is repeated with a limited exponential backoff in order to detect or heal any network partitioning. In case node X finds itself in situations where it needs to respond with Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 11] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 "Dead End" Error messages to FindNodeReqs, it resets the backoff timer again, because it may be a hint for network partitioning or other inconsistencies. In order to let a joining node X quickly learn all existing ID-wise closest overlay neighbors, X sends a QueryRouteReq to every newly learned contact that enters X’s currently deepest k-bucket. The queried contact replies with a QueryRouteRsp returning its RT entries for the k closest contacts to node X. The so returned contacts will very likely also fall into X’s deepest bucket, possibly leading to a further split of its deepest bucket. Therefore, X will quickly populate its set of ID-wise closest overlay neighbors, which are needed for consistent overlay connectivity. 3.6. Path Discovery Consider the example topology in Figure 2. Assume node X needs to send a message to node Z. In case Z is a known contact of X, a path vector is stored already in the routing table that can be used for strict source routing in order to reach Z. Otherwise, a path to Z must be discovered using ID-based overlay routing. R²/Kad uses a recursive version of Kademlia (hence its name Routing with Recursive Kademlia – R²/Kad). The Path Discovery procedure uses a request/ response message pair, FindNodeReq/FindNodeRsp. In this example, assume that X identifies its contact Y (learned from ULN A) as next (ID-wise closest) overlay hop toward Z. In order to discover a path to Z, X creates a FindNodeReq message that contains destination NodeID Z and source route r=⟨X, A, Y⟩ using path vector ⟨A⟩ of contact Y. The FindNodeReq is forwarded along r (strict source route). Message forwarding between overlay neighbors requires source routing, because the path in the underlay may lead via nodes that are (ID-wise) further away from the destination (e.g., Y routes via ⟨A, Q, M⟩ to Z in Figure 2): using the ID-based overlay routing scheme on a hop-by-hop basis (i.e., between directly adjacent nodes in the underlay) would inevitably lead to forwarding loops in most cases. Y / X--A--Q--M--Z \ / B----/ Figure 2: An example topology. Letters resemble NodeIDs. Letters closer in the alphabet have smaller distance in ID space. When the FindNodeReq arrives at Y, the same procedure is repeated (since it is a recursive variant of Kademlia). Node Y tries to find a contact closer to Z than Y itself. If this contact exists, source route r is appended by the corresponding path vector and the Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 12] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 FindNodeReq is forwarded to this contact. In the given example of Figure 2), we assume that Y knows Z as its contact with path vector ⟨A, Q, M⟩. It extends source route r of the FindNodeReq by ⟨A, Q, M, Z⟩ and forwards it to A as next hop in the source route. If routing information has been converged, this ID-based routing scheme guarantees progress in the ID space [Kademlia2002] during forwarding and eventually finds node Z. The destination node Z responds with a FindNodeRsp message along the reversed source path with any cycles removed (⟨Z, M, Q, A, X⟩). Due to XOR’s symmetry, the responding node Z also learns the new contact X as neighbor. The FindNodeRsp returned to X not only provides a path to Z, but also a list of k closest contacts to Z together with their path vectors. This list is used to improve X’s routing table. In case that the FindNodeReq arrives at Y and it cannot find a contact closer to Z, the FindNodeReq is terminated at Y and a response is sent back depending on the "ExactFlag" Section 4.4.1 in the FindNodeReq. If the ExactFlag was not set, Y sends a FindNodeRsp back to originator X that contains an RT excerpt of Y’s (at most) k closest contacts to Z in a so called RTable object. This enables finding the responsible node for a destination ID Z if used as object key. The latter allows for so called key-based routing that is used to realize DHTs. If exact was set, X assumed that a node with ID Z must exist, but the current node is the ID-wise closest node to Z and does not know Z as contact. Consequently, the node cannot forward the FindNodeReq closer to Z and returns a "Dead End" Error message (which may happen occasionally during convergence). In case source route r contains a broken link or unreachable node, a "Segment Failure" Error message will be sent back to X along the reversed source route. 3.7. Overhearing of R²/Kad Messages KIRA nodes use overhearing mechanisms for R²/Kad messages. This is an important mechanism for KIRA to learn new contacts and better or improved paths. Nodes that forward R²/Kad messages SHOULD use the contained source route to improve their own routing information: they may learn new contacts or shortcut routes to known contacts. However, only the so far traversed path is considered as it can be assumed that all traversed links worked recently. Additionally, NotViaList information (see Section is used to invalidate contacts that have an active path vector containing a link from the NotViaList. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 13] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 The source routing path of incoming requests and responses is also considered for improving the RT. Some messages like FindNodeRsp, QueryRouteRsp or UpdateRouteReq contain RTable objects that are evaluated likewise. Bypassing QueryRouteRsp messages contain RTable objects (as requested by QueryRouteReq) and are inspected for interesting contacts and paths. 3.8. Periodic Path Probing _Periodic Path Probing_ aims at reliably detecting any RT inconsistencies (e.g., seemingly valid contacts with paths that contain recently failed links). Each node periodically checks the path validity for all of its contacts by sending a ProbeReq message to them. ID-wise closest neighbors are probed more often than other contacts and those recently contacted (≤ 2s) are not probed. In case a path has a link or node failure, the ProbeReq will elicit a "Segment Failure" Error message from an intermediate node along the broken path, notifying about the failed link. The contact’s state will be set to _invalid_ and a rediscovery process is scheduled (see Section 3.9.1). 3.9. Dynamics: Recovery from Failures In order to improve R²/Kad’s robustness against link or node failures we introduce a recovery procedure that notifies about failures and actively tries to find alternative paths that route around the failure. This procedure is highly robust and achieves a fast convergence. R²/Kad nodes detect link and node failures of ULNs by link layer notifications, missing ULNHello or ULNDiscoveryRsp messages as well as "Segment Failure" errors anytime during forwarding along source routes. To recover from such failures, R²/ Kad’s recovery procedure uses the following mechanisms: * Notify own nearest overlay neighbors about failed links or unreachable nodes ("bad news") by sending UpdateRouteReqs via a non-impacted physical link. * Rediscover a feasible alternative route to the affected node using FindNodeReqs. These carry NotViaList information about failed links that must not be considered for routing. Rediscovery is not performed for nodes that lost their only link, which can be deduced by the node’s degree information that is conveyed in R²/ Kad messages. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 14] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 * Per contact _state sequence numbers_ avoid using obsolete information for path rediscovery. Additionally, an _aging_ mechanism is used to avoid dissemination of obsolete routing information. It uses time periods to assess the currentness of the related path. * Overhearing of NotViaList information and UpdateRouteReqs about failed links during forwarding R²/Kad messages informs nodes about failed links, which initiates a path rediscovery. Overhearing is also used to update obsolete path information. * When an alternative path has been found for a prior affected contact or a link comes back up again, an UpdateRouteReq is sent to own ID-wise closest overlay neighbors for disseminating the "good news". The ID-based overlay routing scheme is used for rediscovery of a route, because NodeIDs are randomly distributed all over the underlying topology. Therefore, a rediscovery uses different paths that are likely not affected by the failure. However, if overlay nodes still have obsolete routing information, i.e., they would normally route via the failed link, they can detect the need to update their routes as well by seeing the more current NotViaList information. 3.9.1. Path Rediscovery A node X that detects its ULN B (cf. Figure 2) or the corresponding link ⟨X, B⟩ has failed, reacts as follows (unless isolated by that failure): 1. Set the state of the corresponding contact to _invalid_ (in Figure 2 contact B). Invalid contacts will temporarily not be considered for routing. 2. Set the state of all contacts whose paths contain the failed link ⟨X, B⟩ to invalid (in Figure 2 contact Z with ⟨B, M, Z⟩ becomes invalid). 3. Send UpdateRouteReq messages indicating the failure to four of its ID-wise nearest neighbors (e.g., Y and Z in Figure 2) via non-affected contacts. The UpdateRouteReq will also carry a NotViaList that contains ⟨X, B⟩. 4. Trigger a rediscovery process (described below) for B (sets state to rediscovery) and for other invalid contacts. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 15] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 5. If the rediscovery process is successful for a contact, its state is set to _valid_ and UpdateRouteReq messages are sent to notify ID-wise closest neighbors about the change. Since UpdateRouteReqs have notification character only, they do not create any responses (even no error messages if dropped). The rediscovery process simply sends a FindNodeReq for all invalid contacts (all invalid contacts will be ignored in finding the next hop). This FindNodeReq for rediscovery (also denoted as rediscovery message) contains a set ExactFlag and the failed link ⟨X, B⟩ as additional NotViaList information. It is sent to X’s currently known ID-wise closest neighbors of the invalid contact (e.g., A in the example), which will then try to forward the FindNodeReq further toward the failed contact. The NotViaList information avoids that nodes use obsolete routing information when forwarding the rediscovery message, i.e., paths that contain the failed link will not be used for forwarding. Node A may not have heard yet about the broken link and thus will invalidate contact B if its prior preferred path is via ⟨X, B⟩. In order to ensure that only current NotViaList information is considered, every link contained in the NotViaList is also accompanied by a related age value ∆T, specifying in milliseconds how long ago the sender heard about the failed link. In case a FindNodeRsp is returned by B, a valid path has been discovered and the contact’s state is set to valid (triggering subsequent UpdateRouteReqs with the new path as mentioned before). Nodes receiving UpdateRouteReqs or FindNodeReqs containing the failed link also set their corresponding affected contacts to invalid and trigger a rediscovery process of the routes (like Z in the example). The actual rediscovery messages are sent after different randomly chosen waiting times from an interval [0.5t_p, 1.5t_p]. The mean value t_p is set as follows: for invalidated ULNs 100ms, affected ID- wise near contacts (in the deepest buckets) 500ms, for contacts affected by the failure of a link to a ULN 1s and for all other affected contacts 2s. Rediscovery messages are sent simultaneously to two different (overlay) neighbors of the affected contact at a time, until k neighbors have been tried unsuccessfully to rediscover a path to the currently invalid contact. In the latter case, a new round of rediscovery attempts will be initiated with exponential backoff until a certain limit of retry rounds (default: 6) have been made without any success, after which the contact will be deleted. Although there is no guarantee that a viable alternative route can be found, our simulation results show that connectivity is very quickly restored after a failure even in drastic failure scenarios (i.e., where a larger part of links, such as 15%, fail simultaneously and randomly). Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 16] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Node B at the other end of the failed link ⟨X, B⟩ also tries to rediscover X and thus sends an UpdateRouteReq to its ID-wise closest overlay neighbors (e.g., A). Thereby, it may inform A as well as X about a new alternative route via M. 3.9.2. Ensuring Routing Information Validity R²/Kad uses state sequence numbers and aging to prevent obsolete routing information from spreading or settling. Messages carry routing information in an RTable object that contains a list of contacts n_j , and for each contact n_j the corresponding path vector p_j leading from the reporting node to the contact, its state sequence number s_j and the age ∆T_j of this information. The currentness of contact information can always be assessed by s_j. However, s_j alone does not suffice to assess the currentness of the associated path to this contact as intermediate links may have been failed/repaired. Therefore, each reported path, as well as NotVia links, carry an associated age value ∆T_j ≥ 0 that corresponds to the time period when the path information was updated last at the originating node. This avoids spreading and wrongfully accepting obsolete routing information. The age for physical links of a node is always 0ms, because related information is always current at this node. A node simply sets a "last modification" timestamp t_j for the contact n_j to t_j := t_now − ∆T_j and reports n_j’s age as t_now-t_j in messages with RTable objects (e.g., UpdateRouteReq, FindNodeRsp, QueryRouteRsp). A contact’s timestamp t_j is also updated by messages that allow to infer that the traversed path is current, e.g., incoming ProbeReq, ProbeRsp , FindNodeRsp, QueryRouteReq, and QueryRouteRsp messages. A path is updated only if the contact’s state sequence number is larger than the prior known sequence number for this contact, or, in case of equal sequence numbers, the received path information must be more recent when comparing their age values. Since age values are relative, they can be compared even if they stem from different nodes, i.e., synchronized clocks are not required. Finally, path information that originates from Source Route Objects is considered to be validated, because the path was traversed by the corresponding message recently. Path information taken from RTable Objects or that was improved with local RT information is considered to be not validated. A not validated path should not overwrite an active valid path, because it may nevertheless include broken links that the node is not aware of yet. Therefore, a not validated path that is considered to be "better" (e.g., "shorter") than the current active path is stored as proposed path needs to be probed. A ProbeReq for the proposed path should be scheduled. Newly arriving not validated path information for the same contact should Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 17] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 be compared against this proposed path. In case the path probing of the proposed path is successful, the Source Route Object of the ProbeRsp will automatically update the active valid path and the proposed path should be dismissed (unless newer than the ProbeReq, but then another path probing is scheduled). The previously described mechanisms cannot guarantee notification of all affected nodes about link failures in their path vectors. In order to reliably detect such inconsistencies, each node periodically probes the paths to all its contacts as described in Section 3.8. Nevertheless, if a node tries to use an obsolete path with a failed link, a viable path will be rediscovered immediately after receipt of the Error message from the node before the broken link. 3.10. Fast Forwarding of CP Traffic A potential drawback of R²/Kad is its use of source routing to forward between two overlay hops. Handling a (potentially long) list of source routing hops is currently not as efficiently realized as regular destination-based routing. Moreover, source routing increases per-packet overhead. To forward data packets more efficiently, the Forwarding Tier (see Figure 1) leverages an approach similar to label switching, whereas the Routing Tier still uses source routing for R²/Kad messages to remove cycles, detect shortcuts, and so on. Every source routing path (that consists of NodeIDs) to a contact is represented by up to two PathIDs that correspond to _path segments_. A PathID is a hash value of all NodeIDs along the corresponding path segment, e.g., PathID(⟨A, Q, M, Z⟩)=H(A|Q|M|Z). It serves as unique label for the path segment. The uniqueness is an important distinction from common label switching approaches where nodes assign labels of node local scope. It enables KIRA nodes to distributedly compute a set of PathIDs in advance. This avoids explicit path setup signaling for PathID installation in many cases. Only for paths longer than 5 hops PathID mappings have to be installed in some intermediate nodes. Another feature of PathIDs is their automatic aggregation toward a sink, i.e., paths that merge in a certain node and use the same residual path to a destination use the same PathID. The Forwarding Tier uses IPv6 GRE [RFC7676] to carry PathIDs in addition to source and destination NodeIDs (other encapsulation methods, e.g., using segment routing [RFC8754] are possible and can be defined later). In detail, KIRA implements fast forwarding as follows: * All paths of length ≤2 for a node’s full 2-hop vicinity are discovered (as described in Section 3.4) and are then used for the precomputation of incoming and outgoing PathIDs, i.e., irrespective of their actual use. Longer paths to contacts are Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 18] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 split into two path segments as follows: paths of lengths 4 and 5 hops have a second segment of 2 hops length and a first segment of length 2 or 3 hops respectively. Paths of length L≥6 hops have a second segment of 3 hops and a first segment of variable length L-3. * The node creates forwarding table entries in the form of Incoming PathID -> (Outgoing PathID, Next Hop). The source route for the incoming PathID includes the own NodeID, whereas it is stripped off for computing the outgoing PathID. When forwarding to the last node of a path segment, the outgoing PathID is omitted. * A node that wants to send a data packet (see example in Figure 3), sets the outgoing PathIDs of the source route path segments as destination addresses of the outer encapsulation headers (X uses H(A|Q|M|Z) as first segment and H(Z|C|E|T) as second segment in Figure 3) and sends it to its ULN. Source routes of less than 4 hops in length require only one PathID, the other two PathIDs. The source address of the outer header is set to the sender’s NodeID so that errors can be reported back. The destination address of the inner most header is the destination NodeID. * A node that receives a packet containing an incoming PathID tries to match it in its forwarding table. If it finds an entry, it rewrites the PathID with an outgoing PathID or removes the outermost PathID header in case the path segment ends at the next node. Including the own NodeID into the incoming PathID has the advantage of being more resilient against misrouted packets. If no entry is found, a corresponding Error is sent back, indicating a temporary inconsistency. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 19] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 1.[X,H(Q|M|Z)] 2.[X,H(Z|C|E|T)] 1.[X,H(Z|C|E|T)] 3.[X,S] 2.[X,S] | | 1.[X,H(E|T)] | | 2.[X,S] | | | X --> A --> Q --> M --> Z --> C --> E --> T | | | | | | | 1.[X,S] | | 1.[X,H(C|E|T)] | | 2.[X,S] | 1.[X,H(M|Z)] | 2.[X,H(Z|C|E|T)] | 3.[X,S] | 1.[X,H(A|Q|M|Z)] 2.[X,H(Z|C|E|T)] 3.[X,S] Figure 3: Example for a path of seven hops between X and contact T. X wants to send a packet to NodeID S and uses the path to its closest known contact T . The annotations above and below the arrows indicate up to three different packet headers with [source, destination] pairs, where 1. indicates the topmost header. X uses a PathID H(A|Q|M |Z) for the first segment and H(Z|C|E|T ) for the second segment. Only node A must install a mapping H(A|Q|M|Z)-> H(Q|M|Z) and node Z must install mapping H(Z|C|E|T)-> H(C|E|T), all other mappings are precomputed. Each node computes all PathIDs for its 2-hop vicinity to avoid path setup signaling, because it allows all nodes to assume that PathIDs exist for all source paths of length ≤3 hops. PathID precomputation for the full 2-hop vicinity provides a good trade-off between the number of a priori computed PathIDs and required path setup signaling. Intermediate nodes along a source route may not have computed the necessary PathIDs for others. Nodes explicitly setup paths via PathSetupReq only for paths >5 hops. In the example of Figure 3, only nodes A and Z must install additional forwarding states when receiving a PathSetupReq, because all other nodes have precomputed the PathIDs already. The PathSetupReq is answered with a PathSetupRsp by the node that marks the beginning of the second path segment. The forwarding states are implemented by soft states: contact probing also refreshes any required PathIDs in the intermediate nodes and so called "external" entries (i.e., those that are neither locally used nor precomputed) are deleted after three refresh intervals have passed without any refresh. Soft states are necessary, because paths are aggregated toward the same destination and usage relations are complex so it is nearly impossible to get a Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 20] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 tracking completely right. For PathIDs that are used locally and not precomputed, a counter is kept that reflects the number of contacts using this PathID (note that different contacts may use the same first path segment). The routing information from the Routing Tier is used by the Forwarding Tier to generate two forwarding tables inside each node: one based on the calculated PathIDs and one based on NodeIDs (generated from RT). One can employ common longest prefix matching for both tables. For NodeIDs the matching prefix length corresponds to the bucket depth. Thus, required prefix length is typically much shorter than the full length of the NodeIDs. The PathID forwarding table size comprises at least all stored contacts, but it is usually larger due to the number of precomputed and external entries. 3.11. Endsystem Mode This will be specified in future versions of this draft. 4. Protocol Specification This section defines the message syntax and node behavior for the R²/ Kad protocol. 4.1. Protocol Message Transport R²/Kad messages use the IPv6 packet format and are sent between KIRA nodes by using link-local addresses of the respective interfaces as source address and corresponding unicast or multicast addresses as destination address. 4.2. Protocol Encoding An R²/Kad message MUST be sent in the body of an IPv6 UDP datagram, with network-layer hop count set to 1, destined to the well-known KIRA multicast address or to an IPv6 link-local unicast address. Both the source and destination UDP port are set to a well-known port number. An R²/Kad packet MUST be silently ignored unless its source port and destination is the well-known R²/Kad port (to be allocated by IANA, use 19219 for experimentation). It MAY be silently ignored if its destination address is a global IPv6 address. R²/Kad messages consist of a common header and an optional sequence of type-length-value (TLV) encoded protocol objects. A single R²/Kad message is limited in its size by the maximum length of an IPv6 payload minus the UDP header size of 8 bytes, because IPv6 fragmentation can be used between two R²/Kad nodes. Larger message payloads can be transferred by using R²/Kad fragmentation. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 21] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 R²/Kad messages use CBOR encoding [RFC8949] for the individual message fields. The lengths in the message specifications do not reflect the size after CBOR encoding on the wire. However, the final message after CBOR encoding must fit into the UDP payload (fragmentation of larger messages will be defined in later versions). 4.3. Protocol Message Notation Messages consisting of multiple fields or objects are denoted by their Message Name and the message content enclosed in { }. The specification (L) after a field name indicates the length in bits of the corresponding field, (..) denotes a variable length. Optional fields are enclosed in [ ]. Optional repetitions of field or objects are denoted by ... after the field. Specific types are separated by a : after the message field name, e.g., enum is the typical enumeration type, bitfield is a bitfield specification where the assigned value denotes the number of the corresponding bit. 4.4. R²/Kad Message Format The overall message format consists of a common header that MUST be present in every message and a sequence of optional protocol objects that immediately follow the common header. R²/Kad Message { Common Message Header, [Protocol Object ...] } Figure 4: Basic R²/Kad Message Format 4.4.1. Common Message Header The common message header has a fixed size and is present in every R²/Kad message. Common Message Header { Version (8), Message Type (8), Flags (8), Message Length (16), Destination ID (112), Source NodeID (112), DomainID (64), MessageID (64), State Sequence Number (16), Source Node Degree (16) } Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 22] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Figure 5: Common Header Format Version: Version is set to 0 for this specification. Message Type: This field indicates the message type. Requests are odd numbers, Responses or Indications are even numbers. Message Type : enum { ULNHello = 0x01, ULNDiscoveryReq = 0x03, ULNDiscoveryRsp = 0x04, FindNodeReq = 0x09, FindNodeRsp = 0x0a, QueryRouteReq = 0x0b, QueryRouteRsp = 0x0c, UpdateRouteReq = 0x11, ProbeReq = 0x21, ProbeRsp = 0x22, Error = 0x70, PathSetupReq = 0x81, PathSetupRsp = 0x82, PathTearDownReq = 0x83 } Flags: Flags : bitfield { ExactFlag = 0, EndSystemFlag = 1, Reserved = 2..13, DiagnosticFlag = 14, Reserved = 15 } * _ExactFlag_ indicates whether the destination ID is a NodeID and is assumed to exist. If set to 1, the NodeID should exist, if set to 0, the node with the closest NodeID will process the request. * _DiagnosticFlag_ triggers explicit Error Messages instead of dropping messages silently. This flag serves mainly debugging purposes. Verbose Error Messages may be used for amplification attacks. Therefore, a node may decide to ignore this flag in case a sender sets it too often. * The _EndSystemFlag_ indicates that the originating source node is an endsystem that does not perform routing or forwarding. Message Length: This field specifies the length of the R²/Kad Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 23] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Message including the Common Message Header. Destination ID: The NodeID of the final destination or a Resource ID for a lookup to find the responsible node for this ID. The special value "AllNodes NodeID" (see Section 6.1) is only allowed to be used ULNHello messages. Source NodeID: The NodeID of the originating node that created the message. Intermediate and receiving nodes do not modify the Source NodeID. DomainID: The DomainID 0x0 is the global domain of all KIRA nodes. By default every KIRA node is part of this domain. Other domains will have to be configured by an administrator or are constructed by a distributed cluster algorithm. Messages with unknown DomainIDs should be ignored. The DomainID is a selector for the corresponding RT, i.e., every domain maintains conceptually its own RT. MessageID: The MessageID is chosen randomly for each request message and the responding node MUST copy it to the corresponding response message. It serves to uniquely map responses to related requests. In case a response message is received without a corresponding MessageID of the open request, it should be silently discarded (unless the DiagnosticFlag is set, in this case an Error message with MessageIDUnknown should be sent back to the Source NodeID); the error may be logged depending on local policy. State Sequence Number: This is the local state sequence number of the source node that originated the message. Within the node the sequence number is a global variable that changes with each physical neighbor state change. That means, each time a new physical neighbor is discovered or dismissed, the sequence number will be increased. 0 is an invalid sequence number and all state sequence numbers should start initially at 1. The sequence number space is only monotonically increasing, i.e., comparisons should be done without modulo wrap-around arithmetic. The value 0xffffffff signals a sequence number reset, i.e., a node receiving a 0xffffffff must initiate a resynchronization with this node by sending a ULNDiscoveryReq (for physical neighbors), QueryRouteReq or ProbeReq to the corresponding node. Source Node Degree: This number describes the number of active KIRA interfaces where the KIRA instance sends ULNHello messages out and has discovered other KIRA nodes. Nodes that have more than 65535 interfaces simply use 65535 as maximum number. The value 0 is not allowed, since at least one interface must be present to sent this message. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 24] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 4.4.2. Protocol Objects Every Protocol Object starts with a common object header and has a specific content. Protocol Object { Common Object Header (24), Object Contents (..) } Figure 6: Protocol Object Format Common Object Header The common object header contains the type and the length of the following object. The Object Length excludes the Common Object Header, so a length of 0 indicates that no further object contents follows. Common Object Header { Object Type (8), Object Length (16) } Object Type : enum { Source Route Object = 0x01, NotViaList Object = 0x02, ContactList Object = 0x03, RTable Request Type Object = 0x04, RTable Object = 0x05, RTable Update Info Object = 0x06 } Figure 7: Common Header Format Source Route Object This object contains a source route in form of a list of NodeIDs and an index that points to the current NodeID when receiving and to the next NodeID when sending a message. The first NodeID (at index 0) is the Source NodeID of the originating node. Source Route Object { Common Object Header, Index (10), NodeID (112) ... } Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 25] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Figure 8 In case Index points behind the end of the list of present NodeIDs, a parameter problem error message MAY be sent back to the previous hop. Typically, when forwarding an R²/Kad message, the Index pointer is advanced to the next entry in the NodeID list. In case the last node of the list received this object and the final destination has not been reached, it will append a path to the existing list that leads to the next overlay hop. NotViaList Object NotViaList Object { Common Object Header, Failed Link List : LinkListType ... } LinkListType = { NodeID_1 (112), NodeID_2 (112), AgeInfo (32) } A LinkList is a sequence of NodeID pairs plus the AgeInfo value. AgeInfo specifies the age of this information in milliseconds. ContactList Object ContactList Object { Common Object Header, Contact List : Contact Entry Type ... } Contact Entry Type = { NodeID (112), StateSequenceNumber (16), AgeInfo (32), NodeDegree (16) } The list of contacts contains for each entry a NodeID, the corresponding known StateSequenceNumber, an AgeInfo that specifies how old the contact info is (time since last updated) and the known node degree. RTable Request Type Object Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 26] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 RTable Request Type Object { Common Object Header, RTable Request Type (8), Radius (8) } RTable Request Type : enum { None = 0x00, ContactsOnly = 0x01, OverlayNeighbors = 0x02, OverlayNeighborsSource = 0x03, ULNVicinity = 0x04 } The following Request Types can be used: None will not return any Routing Table information. This is useful in case a FindNodeRsp should only report the source route back. ContactsOnly reports only the ID-wise closest contacts to the destination ID of the FindNodeReq without their paths. OverlayNeighbors reports the ID-wise closest contacts to the destination ID of the FindNodeReq including their path vectors. OverlayNeighborsSource reports the ID-wise closest contacts to the source NodeID of the FindNodeReq. ULNVicinity requests the underlay neighbors within the given radius. Radius specifies the number of entries to be returned and SHOULD be set to the bucket size k by default. A value of 0xff means to return the full routing table (for any request type other than None). RTable Object RTable Object { Common Object Header RTableLength (16), RTableEntry : RTableEntryType ... } RTableEntryType = { NodeID (112), Path : PathVectorType (..), StateSequenceNumber (16), AgeInfo (32), NodeDegree (16), [NodeAttributes Object], [PathAttributes Object], [LinkAttributes Object] ... } PathVectorType = { PathLength (16), NodeID (112) ... } Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 27] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 The RTable contains a list of routing table entries. The list is preceded by RTableLength that provides the number of the following entries. For each entry the NodeID of the contact is given, the path from the reporting node to the NodeID as sequence of NodeIDs as well as the corresponding known StateSequenceNumber, an AgeInfo that specifies how old the contact info is (time since last updated) and the known node degree. Optional attributes for the node, the path or individual links along the path follow. The PathVectorType is basically a counter that specifies the number of the following node IDs. RTable Update Info Object RTable Update Info Object { Common Object Header RTableLength (16), RTableUpdateEntry : RTableUpdateEntryType ... } RTableUpdateEntryType = { NodeID (112), Path : PathVectorType (..), StateSequenceNumber (16), AgeInfo (32), NodeDegree (16), RouteUpdateAction (8), [NodeAttributes Object], [PathAttributes Object], [LinkAttributes Object] ... } RouteUpdateAction : enum { Announce = 0x00, WithDraw = 0x01, Change = 0x02, Unreachable = 0x03 } The RTable Update Info Object is similar to the RTable Object (Section contains a list of routing table entries with associated an update action. _Announce_ means that the corresponding contact is a new entry in the routing table. _WithDraw_ means that the contact has been deleted from the routing table. _Change_ means that the path to the contact has been changed. _Unreachable_ means that the contact is not reachable. Note: further objects will be detailed in future versions of this draft Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 28] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 4.4.3. R²/Kad Messages This section describes the R²/Kad messages and what KIRA nodes do when sending or receiving those messages. General Node Behavior There are some actions that are performed in the same way for all messages. * Most R²/Kad control messages are sent with a rate limit to avoid overloading other nodes with high bursts of messages. * In case of having problems to process a message (e.g., due to malformed messages, unknown objects, and so on) the message should be silently discarded. If the DiagnosticFlag is set, a corresponding Error message should be sent back to the Source NodeID. The error may be logged locally on the node depending on its policy. An Error message MUST never be sent back for in incoming Error message. * In order to avoid undesired synchronization effects, many actions are performed after a randomized waiting time. This specification uses the notion RandTime(T_p) for clarifying that the actual waiting time T_a is chosen randomly at every use from the Interval [0.5*T_p,1.5*T_p], so the mean waiting time is T_p. * Response messages MUST copy the MessageID of the related request message into their header. In case a response message is received without a corresponding MessageID of the corresponding request, it should be silently discarded (unless the DiagnosticFlag is set, in this case an Error message with MessageIDUnknown should be sent back to the Source NodeID); the error may be logged depending on local policy. ULNHello Message ULNHello messages are periodically sent (randomized) to each interface to indicate presence of a KIRA node. Its format is shown in Figure 9. ULNHello { Common Header } Figure 9: ULNHello Message Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 29] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Sending a ULNHello The sender uses the Undefined NodeID as Destination ID and its own NodeID as Source NodeID. Other nodes that want to establish an adjacency SHOULD respond with a ULNDiscoveryReq message after a randomized waiting time and if the trigger condition is met. The trigger condition is calculated as follows: use the lowest 32 bit of the other NodeID and the own NodeID and calculate delta = otherNodeID mod 2^32 - ownNodeID mod 2^32. If (delta < 0x80000000 and delta != 0 ) or ((delta == 0 or delta == 0x80000000UL) and ownNodeId < otherNodeId the trigger a ULNDiscoveryReq, otherwise wait for a ULNDiscoveryReq. This heuristic avoids initiating the ULN Discovery handshake twice. At node startup or when a new link comes up a ULNHelloMinInterval is used per link. The sending interval for subsequent ULNHello messages is doubled up to ULNHelloMaxInterval. The sending interval is reset to ULNHelloMinInterval for a link that comes up after it failed. Default values for fixed networks are: ULNHelloMinInterval = 200ms, ULNHelloMaxInterval = 30s. Receiving a ULNHello On receipt of a ULNHello Message the receiving node should check whether the originating node is already known as contact. If it is already member of a ULN bucket and contained in the ULNTable, the LastSeen timestamp is updated and the provided Sequence Number is checked against the store Sync ULN Sequence Number of the contact. If the provided sequence number is newer, a ULNDiscRequest should be scheduled to discover recent changes in the underlay neighborhood. If the source node is not known as contact yet, either a ULNDiscoveryReq was triggered locally or will be triggered by the source node after the node's own ULNHello was received. ULNDiscovery Request Message (ULNDiscoveryReq) A ULNDiscoveryReq is either sent as response to a ULNHello message or sent to test liveliness and bidirectional connectivity of an already known ULN or to resynchronize state with a ULN. Its format is shown in Figure 10 ULNDiscovery Request Message { Common Header, [ ULNList : ContactList ] } Figure 10: ULNDiscovery Request Message Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 30] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Sending a ULNDiscoveryReq The sending node fills its currently known ULNs into the ULNList on first contact or each time its state sequence number has changed. It expects a ULNDiscoveryRsp as immediate reply and should set a timer as maximum waiting period (default 200ms). After the corresponding timeout the ULNDiscoveryReq should be repeated. The timeout for an answer should be doubled for each retry. The contact should be considered dead after two unsuccessful retry attempts. Receiving a ULNDiscoveryReq On receipt of a ULNDiscoveryReq, the receiving node MUST reply with a ULNDiscoveryRsp. If the contact was not known yet, it is put into the ULNTable and into the corresponding ULN bucket. In case the contact was already known, but not as direct underlay neighbor, the contact should be moved to the ULN bucket. This can be the case if the contact has been learned being an underlay neighbor of another ULN. The UnderlayNeighbor flag of the contact must be set to true. ULNDiscovery Response Message (ULNDiscoveryRsp) A ULNDiscoveryRsp is sent as answer to a previous ULNDiscoveryReq. Its format is shown in Figure 11. ULNDiscovery Response Message { Common Header, [ ULNList : ContactList ] } Figure 11: ULNDiscovery Response Message Sending a ULNDiscoveryRsp The sending node must copy the MessageID from the ULNDiscoveryReq and fills its currently known ULNs into the ULNList on first contact or each time its state sequence number has changed. Receiving a ULNDiscoveryRsp Conceptually, on receipt of a ULNDiscovery Response bidirectional connectivity to the underlay neighbor has been demonstrated. The state of the contact should be changed to "valid", LastSeen, Sync ULN Sequence Number and Sequence Number should be updated accordingly. The ULNList should be parsed for new contacts or contact updates with respect to newer StateSequenceNumber. In case of a new contact or its newer StateSequenceNumber a QueryRouteReq SHOULD be sent to the corresponding contact. The latter should request a ULNVicinity Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 31] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 (RTable Request Type) of Radius 1 to learn the 2-hop underlay vicinity. FindNode Request Message (FindNodeReq) FindNodeReq messages are used (together with the corresponding FindNodeRsp) to find routes to nodes (Path Discovery, see Section 3.6), to improve the own routing table, or to find responsible nodes for a given key. Its message format is shown in Figure 12. FindNode Request Message { Common Header, RTable Request Type, Source Route Object, [NotViaList Object] } Figure 12: FindNode Request Message Sending a FindNodeReq Sending a FindNodeReq for an existing NodeID X (e.g., communicated by other nodes as part of their RTable objects) MUST set the ExactFlag in the Flags field of the Common Message Header. The RTable Request Type is typically set to OverlayNeighbors (depending on the purpose of the FindNodeReq). Destination ID is set to the NodeID X. In case X is a known contact, a source route to X is known and filled into the Source Route Object. In case X is not a known contact, the routing table is used to look up the ID-wise closest known valid contact Y (using proximity routing, see Section 3.3) and the node fills in the corresponding path into the Source Route Object. The own NodeID is used as first element of the source route and the contact's NodeID Y is the last element of the source route (the path vector is the sequence of NodeIDs in between both entries). The index of the Source Route Object MUST be set to 1. In case of known failed links (esp. during Path Rediscovery, Section 3.9.1), the NotViaList Object is also filled correspondingly. The sender of the FindNodeReq looks up the underlay address of the next hop in the source route (using the ULNTable) and sends the message to the underlay neighbor. For the Join procedure (Section 3.5), the Destination ID is set to the Source ID of the sending node. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 32] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Depending on the context, the FindNodeReq may be repeated in case the corresponding FindNodeRsp is not received within 500ms. Further retries should double the timeout. A failure should be assumed after 2 unsuccessful retries. Receiving a FindNodeReq A node that receives a FindNodeReq checks at first whether it has the NodeID at the current index of the source route. If the NodeID at the current index is different from the node's NodeID, the message has been misrouted. This is a severe error and should be logged at least locally. In case of a set DiagnosticFlag an Error message with a RouteFailureWrongHop may be sent back to the previous node. An node that is an intermediate node on the source route should evaluate the NotViaList object first and invalidate any affected contacts (depending on the corresponding age values). Then the so far traversed path (in reverse direction) should be analyzed for interesting contacts or paths. Since the message just traveled along this path, one can assume that the path information is current and thus validated. If the receiving node is neither the last node in the source route nor the destination node according to the Destination ID, the FindNodeReq message is forwarded along the source route: the index is incremented by one and a lookup in the ULNTable is performed for this next hop NodeID. In case the next hop is missing in the ULNTable (e.g., failed link) there are two more options possible. The first option is used in case the next hop is known as contact and there is a valid route leading to it. The current source route is then adapted by inserting the detour path to the former next hop and continuing to forward to the new next hop. The second option is used when the Destination ID is a known contact with a valid route. In this case the rest of the source route is replaced by the known path to the destination NodeID. If both options are not successful, an Error message of type SegmentFailure is sent back to the source along the reversed source route. The NodeID of the failed next hop node and the Destination ID are provided as additional parameters in the SegmentFailure Error message. If the receiving node (e.g., having NodeID Y) is the last node in the source route, it should look up the ID-wise closest contact (e.g., lets say NodeID Z) in its routing table. If the XOR distance d(Y,Z) < d(Y,X), the next contact Z leads closer to the destination ID X and the corresponding source route to Z is appended to the existing source route. In case Z is not closer to destination ID X than the current node Y, the behavior depends on the ExactFlag: if the ExactFlag was set, an Error message is sent back indicating a Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 33] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 RouteFailureDeadEnd, since there is no known overlay path leading to X. If the ExactFlag is not set, a FindNodeRsp message is sent back, containing the requested information according to the RTable Request Type. If the NodeID of the recipient corresponds to Destination ID, the rest of the source route should be ignored and a corresponding FindNodeRsp should be sent. FindNode Response Message (FindNodeRsp) A FindNodeRsp message is sent as response to a FindNodeReq either if the node with the Destination ID has been reached or the FindNodeReq cannot be forwarded ID-wise closer to the Destination ID when the ExactFlag is set. Its message format is shown in Figure 13. FindNode Response Message { Common Header, Source Route Object, [NotViaList Object,] [RTable Object] } Figure 13: FindNode Response Message Sending a FindNodeRsp The source route contained in the FindNodeReq is reversed and used as new Source Route Object, any cycles MUST be removed. Since all links of this possibly shortened path haven been traversed by the FindNodeReq, the probability to have a working source route back to the source of the FindNodeReq is very high. The Source NodeID is set to the NodeID of the responding node, the Destination ID is set to the last NodeID of the just generated Source Route. The NotViaList from the FindNodeReq should be copied into the FindNodeRsp. The RTable Object contains the requested information according to the RTable Request Type of the FindNodeReq. In addition to the requested contacts, additional gratuitous contacts SHOULD be provided as follows: two randomly chosen contacts from every bucket that are not already contained in the list of request contacts. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 34] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Receiving a FindNodeRsp The recipient of a FindNodeRsp Message processes the NotViaList Object first if present, then analyzes the Source Route Object for new contacts or path information. The receiving node processes the RTable Object by analyzing each given contact and related path vector information in order to improve its own routing table. Received path vectors should be inspected for further improvement with the node's valid paths. For example, if node X learns path ⟨A, Q, M⟩ to Z, it can shorten the path by using the path vector ⟨B⟩ to contact M, resulting in an improved path of ⟨B, M⟩ to Z. However, this path needs to be validated by probing this proposed path before it can be used as active and valid path. QueryRoute Request Message (QueryRouteReq) A QueryRouteReq message is used to receive requested routing information from other nodes. This is especially used to discover the 3-hop underlay neighborhood as described in Section 3.4. In this case a QueryRouteReq using RTable Request Type ULNVicinity is sent to 2-hop underlay neighbors. However, QueryRouteReq may be sent to any contact for improving a node's own RT. QueryRouteReq messages require a known source route to the destination, i.e., in contrast to FindNodeReq messages they are not forwarded closer to the Destination ID. The message format is shown in Figure 14. QueryRoute Request Message { Common Header, RTable Request Type, Source Route Object, [NotViaList Object] } Figure 14: QueryRoute Request Message Sending a QueryRouteReq The sender of a QueryRouteReq message MUST set the ExactFlag and use the NodeID as Destination ID and fill in the source route accordingly. QueryRouteReq messages can also be sent to nodes that are not known as contacts (i.e., not part of the RT), however, a valid path must be known to the destination node that can be used as source route. The RTable Request Type should be set according to the sending node's need. A NotViaList is optionally provided. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 35] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Receiving a QueryRouteReq The receiver of a QueryRouteReq message MUST inspect. QueryRouteReq messages can also be sent to nodes that are not known as contacts (i.e., not part of the RT), however, a valid path must be known to the destination node that can be used as source route. The RTable Request Type should be set according to the sending node's need. QueryRoute Response Message (QueryRouteRsp) The QueryRouteRsp is a response to a QueryRouteReq and provides RT information of the sending node. The message format is shown in Figure 15. QueryRoute Response Message { Common Header, Source Route Object, [NotViaList Object,] [RTable Object] } Figure 15: QueryRoute Response Message Sending a QueryRouteRsp The sender MUST respond to a received QueryRouteReq with a corresponding QueryRouteRsp. The RTable Object is filled according to the RTable Request Type of the QueryRouteReq. Gratuitous contacts SHOULD be added, too. Receiving a QueryRouteRsp The processing of a QueryRouteRsp is analogous to processing a FindNodeRsp. UpdateRoute Request Message (UpdateRouteReq) An UpdateRouteReq message provides information about changed routing information, e.g., new or removed contacts as well as changed paths. As the UpdateRouteReq message has informational character only, it is transmitted unreliably, i.e., its receipt is not confirmed. Consequently, there is no corresponding UpdateRouteRsp message. The message format is shown in Figure 16. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 36] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 UpdateRoute Request Message { Common Header, Source Route Object, [NotViaList Object,] RTable Update Info Object } Figure 16: UpdateRoute Request Message Sending an UpdateRouteReq An UpdateRouteReq is sent for newly learned contacts (Announce), removed (WithDraw) or failed direct underlay contacts (Unreachable) as well as for changed paths (Change). UpdateRouteReq messages are scheduled when the local RT of a node is changed. This is useful to avoid sending too frequent update messages while the network is still converging. A path to a contact may possibly change multiple times in a short time frame or the modified contact may be preempted by another contact later. Therefore, consistency has to be checked at the time when the UpdateRouteReq should be sent, e.g., if a path change occurred first, but afterwards the contact was deleted, then a different type of UpdateRouteReq needs to be sent. An UpdateRouteReq is sent to the four ID-wise closest contacts of the sending node. These destination contacts do not have to be valid contacts (i.e., possess a currently known valid active path) as UpdateRouteReq messages are forwarded via the overlay routing as close to the destination as possible. It is useful to create a list of RT updates per destination contact so that multiple updates can be aggregated into the same UpdateRouteReq message. Furthermore, path changes may occur several time during convergence and only the latest change should be reported. Moreover, updates are sent depending on their criticality: urgent updates are sent for Unreachable contacts after RandTime(250ms), other updates are sent after RandTime(500ms). Receiving an UpdateRouteReq A node that receives an UpdateRouteReq (it is at the end of the current source route) and that is not the final destination (its NodeID is equals to the Destination ID), tries to forward the UpdateRouteReq closer toward the Destination ID. If this is not possible, forwarding stops at this node (without triggering any Error message, e.g., RouteFailureDeadEnd due to this fact; other errors during message processing may trigger Error messages if the DiagnosticFlag is set). Due to overhearing (see Section 3.7) the RTable Update Info Object is processed nevertheless. A node the is the final destination of the UpdateRouteReq simply processes the information provided in the RTable Update Info Object. No response Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 37] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 will be created. Probe Request Message (ProbeReq) ProbeReq messages are sent to test liveliness of a path and contact. There are two processes that trigger sending of ProbeReq messages: Periodic Path Probing (Section 3.8) and checking validity of proposed paths (Section 3.9.2). Periodic Path Probing also refreshes any related PathIDs for the particular path in the Forwarding Tier as this information will otherwise be deleted after some time without refreshes (see Section 3.10). Therefore ProbeReq messages need to travel the complete path until the Destination ID (unless this is impossible due to a failure and an Error message is sent back). ProbeReq messages SHOULD never be sent to ULNs if their direct attached link is working as there are periodic ULNHello messages used to check the connectivity. ProbeReq messages are strictly following the specified source route, i.e., rerouting them is not allowed. A broken link will be reported by an Error message indicating a SegmentFailure. If the path is intact, a ProbeRsp will be sent back along the reverse source route by the contact. The ProbeReq messages are sent via the Routing Tier, i.e., they are not testing the actual data path in the Forwarding Tier. The message format of the ProbeReq is shown in Figure 17. Probe Request Message { Common Header, Source Route Object } Figure 17: Probe Request Message Sending a ProbeReq The sender uses the contact's NodeID as Destination ID, sets its own NodeID as Source NodeID and fills in the source route. The ExactFlag MUST be set and it is assumed that the Destination ID is a NodeID of an existing contact. The last node of the source route must correspond to the Destination ID as ProbeReq message are not forwarded via overlay routing, but via strict source routing. Therefore the source route must be complete that it leads to the Destination ID. Retransmitting the ProbeReq in case of a missing matching ProbeRsp is not necessary for Periodic Path Probing as this will automatically send another ProbeReq message after a while. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 38] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Receiving a ProbeReq An intermediate node (i.e., neither the first nor the last node) along the source route MUST check whether the corresponding PathID information is present in the Forwarding Tier and either install it or update its timestamp if already present. Then the ProbeReq MUST be forwarded to the next hop in the source route if any is left. If is not possible due to a failed link to the next hop or the next hop node failed, a SegmentFailure Error message MUST be sent back to the origin of the ProbeReq (along the reversed source route that was already traversed). This error reporting must not be suppressed as path liveliness check and connectivity detection of KIRA depends on it. An intermediate node MUST NOT send back a ProbeRsp. In case the node is the last node in the source route, but the Destination ID is not the NodeID of the node, the source route is wrong or incomplete. In this case an Error message RouteFailureWrongPath may be sent back if the Diagnostic Flag is set. The destination node of a ProbeReq updates its local contacts and paths according to the source route. It sends back a ProbeRsp message along the reversed source route. Probe Response Message (ProbeRsp) A ProbeRsp message MUST be sent as response to an incoming ProbeReq if the KIRA NodeID is the Destination ID of the ProbeReq. The message format is shown in Figure 18. Probe Response Message { Common Header, Source Route Object } Figure 18: Probe Response Message Sending a ProbeRsp The node that was the destination of the ProbeReq sends back a ProbeRsp message along the reversed source route and sets the Destination ID to the Source NodeID of the ProbeReq. Receiving a ProbeRsp The node that originally sent the corresponding ProbeReq updates the contact state information accordingly (State Sequence Number, LastSeen, Validation and LastRefresh timestamps of the corresponding path). Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 39] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Error Message (Error) Error messages are sent back to indicate problems and for diagnostic purposes. A conservative reaction to errors during message processing is typically to drop the erroneous message silently and not sent back any feedback. This also reduces possibilities for potential amplification attacks. However, some Error messages must be sent for proper protocol operation, e.g., returning a SegmentFailure is essential for detecting broken paths. The DiagnosticFlag in the Common Header solicits the transmission of Error messages for debugging purposes. However, it is at a node's discretion whether or how often this request is fulfilled (e.g., it can apply rate limits). The format of an Error message is shown in Figure 19. Error Message { Common Header, Source Route Object, Error Type (8), OriginMessageID (64), [Additional Error Information (..)} } Error Type : enum { NoError = 0x00, NodeUnreachable = 0x01, MalformedMessage = 0x02, ParameterProblem = 0x03, HopLimitExceeded = 0x04, SegmentFailure = 0x05, PathIDUnknown = 0x06, MessageIDUnknown = 0x07, RouteFailureDeadEnd = 0x0a, RouteFailureWrongHop = 0x0b, RouteFailureWrongPath = 0x0c } Figure 19: Error Message Sending an Error message During processing protocol messages various error conditions may occur that can produce an Error message. The Error Type must be set according to the error condition that is given in this specification. The OriginMessageID is set to the MessageID of the message that caused the problem. Optional addition error information may be given, too. (TBD in future versions of this specification). Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 40] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Receiving an Error message Depending on the type of the Error message, the receiving node may trigger certain protocol actions, e.g., a starting a Path Rediscovery after receiving a SegmentFailure or silently discard the Error message after optionally generating a log message (possibly rate limited) with the information given in the Error message. An error occurring during processing the Error message MUST never result in sending an Error message back. Path Setup Request Message (PathSetupReq) A PathSetupReq is sent to install required PathID mappings in intermediate nodes (see Section 3.10). This is only necessary for paths to contacts that are at least 6 hops long. Its format is shown in Figure 20. Path Setup Request Message { Common Header, Source Route Object } Figure 20: Path Setup Request Message Sending a PathSetupReq The originating node simply constructs the source route according to the path of the contact in question. The Destination ID is set to the NodeID of the contact, the Source NodeID is set to the NodeID of the sender. Typically, a PathSetupReq is scheduled when a new contact is put into a bucket. When the time has come to send the PathSetupReq a check should ensure that the current path of the contact still requires the PathSetupReq (meanwhile a shorter path may have been learned or the contact may have been preempted). Receiving a PathSetupReq A node that receives a PathSetupReq (also intermediate nodes) needs to check whether it needs to install PathIDs. PathIDs that are installed by a PathSetupReq get an "external entry" flag, indicating that other nodes require this path. If the necessary PathID is installed already, the "external entry" flag is set and a PathSetupRsp MUST be sent back. Otherwise the corresponding PathID mapping (incoming PathID to outgoing PathID and next hop) is installed and the PathSetupReq is forwarded to the next node. If there are only 3 hops left to the destination, a PathSetupRsp MUST be sent back, because of path precomputation in the 2-hop vicinity the next hop must have precomputed the PathID. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 41] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Path Setup Response Message (PathSetupRsp) A PathSetupRsp message confirms that the necessary PathIDs are installed for the source route. The message format is shown in Figure 21. Path Setup Response Message { Common Header, Source Route Object } Figure 21: Path Setup Response Message Sending a PathSetupRsp A PathSetupRsp is sent back as response to a PathSetupReq if the necessary PathIDs are already present in the node or have been installed and PathIDs do not have to be installed in further nodes along the path. Receiving a PathSetupRsp The node that receives a PathSetupRsp and that is not the Destination ID of the PathSetupRsp simply forwards the PathSetupRsp forward to the Destination ID. Path TearDown Request Message (PathTearDownReq) The PathTearDownReq initiates deletion of the PathID state information along the specified source route. This mechanism basically provides means a of optimization therefore a response message is not required. The format of the PathTearDownReq is shown in Figure 22. Path TearDown Request Message { Common Header, Source Route Object } Figure 22: Path TearDown Request Message Sending a PathTearDownReq A PathTearDownReq SHOULD be initiated if a contact is removed that had a path that required a PathSetupReq. Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 42] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 Receiving a PathTearDownReq An (intermediate) node that receives a PathTearDownReq needs to check whether the corresponding PathIDs needs to be deleted. Normally, this clears an "external entry" flag of the corresponding entry. The flag will be set again in case another node requires this path by the next periodical refresh. This depends also on whether the PathID is required by local contacts or precomputed. Precomputed PathIDs will never be deleted by a PathTearDownReq, locally required PathIDs can be deleted if no contact uses this path anymore and it is neither precomputed nor possesses a foreign flag. Similarly to the PathSetupReq, a PathTearDownReq will not be forwarded if there are only 3 hops left to the destination. 5. Hash Function KIRA uses hash functions in various contexts. The used hash function is SHAKE256 with 128bit length output. 6. Protocol Parameters 6.1. Reserved NodeIDs Reserved NodeIDs: Undefined NodeID = 0x00..00 (all zeros) AllNodes NodeID = 0xff..ff (all ones) 7. IANA Considerations This memo currently includes no request to IANA yet. This may change in the future. 8. Security Considerations There are various attacks that need to be considered. Future versions of this draft will have more detailed security considerations. 9. References 9.1. Normative References [RFC7676] Pignataro, C., Bonica, R., and S. Krishnan, "IPv6 Support for Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)", RFC 7676, DOI 10.17487/RFC7676, October 2015, . Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 43] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, . [RFC8200] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification", STD 86, RFC 8200, DOI 10.17487/RFC8200, July 2017, . [RFC8754] Filsfils, C., Ed., Dukes, D., Ed., Previdi, S., Leddy, J., Matsushima, S., and D. Voyer, "IPv6 Segment Routing Header (SRH)", RFC 8754, DOI 10.17487/RFC8754, March 2020, . [RFC8949] Bormann, C. and P. Hoffman, "Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)", STD 94, RFC 8949, DOI 10.17487/RFC8949, December 2020, . 9.2. Informative References [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, . [Kademlia2002] Maymounkov, P. and D. Mazières, "Kademlia: A Peer-to-Peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric", 2002. [KIRA-Networking-2022] Bless, R., Zitterbart, M., Despotovic, Z., and A. Hecker, "KIRA: Distributed Scalable ID-based Routing with Fast Forwarding", June 2022, . Acknowledgements KIRA has been developed as joint work with Zoran Despotovic, Artur Hecker, and Martina Zitterbart. Hendrik Mahrt and Paul Seehofer are still contributing to KIRA's evolution. Changes changes in -01: * few additions to the overview section Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 44] Internet-Draft KIRA October 2024 * detailed contact data * changed physical neighbor to underlay neighbor and PN to ULN as an underlay neighbor can also be linked via L2 tunnel using IP etc. * specified initial description of messages and their processing when sending or receiving * removed PathTeardownRsp as it is not required * minor edits (wording) Author's Address Roland Bless Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Kaiserstr. 12 76131 Karlsruhe Germany Phone: +4915201601400 Email: URI: Bless Expires 22 April 2025 [Page 45]