# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit autotools systemd ETHERCODES_DATE=20200628 DESCRIPTION="An ethernet monitor program that keeps track of ethernet/IP address pairings" HOMEPAGE="https://ee.lbl.gov/" SRC_URI=" https://ee.lbl.gov/downloads/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz https://dev.gentoo.org/~jsmolic/distfiles/ethercodes.dat-${ETHERCODES_DATE}.xz " LICENSE="BSD GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 ~hppa ppc ~riscv sparc x86" IUSE="selinux" DEPEND=" acct-group/arpwatch net-libs/libpcap sys-libs/ncurses:= " RDEPEND=" ${DEPEND} acct-user/arpwatch virtual/mta selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-arpwatch ) " PATCHES=( # sent upstream on 2023-12-05 "${FILESDIR}"/0001-Fix-configure-check-for-time.h.patch "${FILESDIR}"/0002-Avoid-using-undocumented-internals-for-DNS.patch ) src_prepare() { default # Temporary for 0001-Fix-configure-check-for-time.h.patch eautoreconf } src_install() { dosbin arp2ethers arpfetch arpsnmp arpwatch bihourly.sh massagevendor.py update-ethercodes.sh doman arpsnmp.8 arpwatch.8 insinto /usr/share/arpwatch newins "${WORKDIR}"/ethercodes.dat-${ETHERCODES_DATE} ethercodes.dat insinto /usr/share/arpwatch/awk doins d.awk duplicates.awk e.awk euppertolower.awk p.awk diropts --group=arpwatch --mode=770 keepdir /var/lib/arpwatch dodoc README CHANGES newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/arpwatch.confd-r2 arpwatch newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/arpwatch.initd-r2 arpwatch systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/arpwatch.service" systemd_install_serviced "${FILESDIR}/arpwatch.conf" } pkg_postinst() { # Previous revisions installed /var/lib/arpwatch with the wrong # ownership. Instead of the intended arpwatch:root, it was left as # root:root. If we find any such mis-owned directories, we fix them, # and then set the permission bits how we want them in *this* # revision. # # The "--from" flag ensures that we only fix directories that need # fixing, and the "&& chmod" ensures that we only adjust the # permissions if the owner also needed fixing. chown \ --from=root:root \ --no-dereference \ :arpwatch \ "${ROOT}"/var/lib/arpwatch && \ chmod 770 "${ROOT}"/var/lib/arpwatch }