hcc now deprecated by ROCm upstream. They use cmake to delete hcc headers for upgrating hip on other distros, but Gentoo don't need this and the following code causes sandbox violation (#799257). github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP/commit/c2adc70d4df3d30ef0db84d47be14b99b01aa340 introduce these lines. --- orig/CMakeLists.txt +++ HIP-rocm-4.2.0/CMakeLists.txt @@ -333,10 +333,6 @@ if(NOT ${INSTALL_SOURCE} EQUAL 0) endif() install(DIRECTORY bin DESTINATION . USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS) - # The following two lines will be removed after upstream updation - install(CODE "MESSAGE(\"Removing ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include\")") - install(CODE "file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include)") - install(DIRECTORY include DESTINATION .) install(DIRECTORY cmake DESTINATION .) endif()