diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index a044596d..381a7d79 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -519,12 +519,10 @@ message('OpenSSL Library:', openSslDependency.name(), 'found =', openSslDependen
 #sharedLibraryPaths += openSslLibPaths
 #====================================================== Valijson =======================================================
-# Don't need to do anything special, other than set include directories below, as it's header-only and we pull it in as
-# a Git submodule.
+valijsonDependency = declare_dependency(include_directories: get_option('prefix')/get_option('includedir')/'valijson')
 #==================================================== Other headers ====================================================
 # Other directories to search in for headers.  Meson will barf an error if any of these directories does not exist.
+includeDirs = include_directories('src', 'third-party/libbacktrace')
 #============================================= Extra Windows dependencies ==============================================
@@ -1297,7 +1295,8 @@ commonDependencies = [qtCommonDependencies,
-                      openSslDependency] # This isn't strictly needed for the testRunner, but no harm comes from including it
+                      openSslDependency, # This isn't strictly needed for the testRunner, but no harm comes from including it
+                      valijsonDependency]
 mainExeDependencies = commonDependencies + qtMainExeDependencies
 testRunnerDependencies = commonDependencies + qtTestRunnerDependencies