NAME Video::Generator - Perl class for video generation. SYNOPSIS use Video::Generator; my $obj = Video::Generator->new(%parameters); my $type = $obj->create($out_path); METHODS "new(%parameters)" Constructor. * "delay_generator" Delay generator. Default value is object below: Video::Delay::Const->new( 'const' => 1000, ) * "duration" Video duration used for implicit 'video_pattern' parameter. Possible suffixes are: - ms for milisendons. - s for seconds. - min for minute. - h for hour. Default value is 10000 (10s). * "ffmpeg_video_codec" FFmpeg video codec. Default value is undef, use default ffmpeg. * "fps" Frames per second. Default value is 60. * "height" Height. Default value is 1080. * "image_generator" Image generator. Default value is object below: Image::Random->new( 'height' => $self->{'height'}, 'type' => $self->{'image_type'}, 'width' => $self->{'width'}, ) * "image_type" Image type used for implicit 'image_generator' parameter. List of supported types: bmp, gif, jpeg, png, pnm, raw, sgi, tga, tiff. Defult image type is 'bmp'. * "temp_dir" Temporary dir. Default value is File::Temp::tempdir(). * "verbose" Verbose mode. Default value is 0. * "video_pattern" Video pattern generator. Default value is object below: Video::Pattern->new( 'delay_generator' => $self->{'delay_generator'}, 'duration' => $self->{'duration'}, 'fps' => $self->{'fps'}, 'image_generator' => $self->{'image_generator'}, ) * "width" Width. Default value is 1920. "create($out_path)" Create video. Returns undef. ERRORS new(): From Class::Utils: Unknown parameter '%s'. From Image::Random: Image type '%s' doesn't supported. From Video::Pattern: Parameter 'duration' must be numeric value or numeric value with time suffix. Parameter 'fps' must be numeric value. create(): Error with command '%s'. STDERR, %s .. EXAMPLE1 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use File::Path qw(rmtree); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use Video::Generator; # Temporary directory. my $temp_dir = tempdir(); # Object. my $obj = Video::Generator->new; # Create video. my $video_file = catfile($temp_dir, 'foo.mpg'); $obj->create($video_file); # Print out type. system "ffprobe -hide_banner $video_file"; # Clean. rmtree $temp_dir; # Output: # Input #0, mpeg, from '/tmp/GoCCk50JSO/foo.mpg': # Duration: 00:00:09.98, start: 0.516667, bitrate: 1626 kb/s # Stream #0:0[0x1e0]: Video: mpeg1video, yuv420p(tv), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 104857 kb/s, 60 fps, 60 tbr, 90k tbn, 60 tbc EXAMPLE2 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use File::Path qw(rmtree); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use Video::Generator; # Temporary directory. my $temp_dir = tempdir(); # Object. my $obj = Video::Generator->new( 'verbose' => 1, ); # Create video. my $video_file = catfile($temp_dir, 'foo.mpg'); $obj->create($video_file); # Clean. rmtree $temp_dir; # Output: # Video pattern generator created images for video in temporary directory. # Created video file. # Removed temporary directory. DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, Error::Pure, FFmpeg::Command, File::Path, File::Spec::Functions, File::Temp, IO::CaptureOutput, Image::Random, Readonly, Video::Delay::Const, Video::Pattern. SEE ALSO Image::Random Perl class for creating random image. Image::Select Selecting image from images directory. Image::Select::Array Selecting image from list with checking. Image::Select::Date Selecting image from images directory by date. Video::Delay Perl classes for delays between frames generation. Video::Pattern Video class for frame generation. REPOSITORY <>. AUTHOR Michal Е paДЌek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT В© 2014-2015 Michal Е paДЌek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.07