Mojolicious::Plugin::ServerStatus --------------------------------- This is a [Mojolicious]( plugin to show server status, like Apache's mod\_status. It displays server status information in multiprocess Mojolicious servers such as morbo and hypnotoad. It is based on [Plack::Middleware::ServerStatus::Lite]( This module changes status only before and after executing the applications, so it cannot monitor keepalive session and network I/O wait. #### Installation #### cpanm Mojolicious::Plugin::ServerStatus or manually: perl Makefile.PL make test make install #### Synopsis #### ```perl plugin 'ServerStatus' => { path => '/server-status', allow => [ '', '' ], }; ``` % curl http://server:port/server-status Uptime: 1234567789 Total Accesses: 123 BusyWorkers: 2 IdleWorkers: 3 -- pid status remote_addr host user method uri protocol ss 20060 A localhost:10001 - GET / HTTP/1.1 1 20061 . 20062 A localhost:10001 - GET /server-status HTTP/1.1 0 20063 . 20064 . # JSON format % curl http://server:port/server-status?json {"Uptime":"1332476669","BusyWorkers":"2", "stats":[ {"protocol":null,"remote_addr":null,"pid":"78639","user":"-", "status":".","method":null,"uri":null,"host":null,"ss":null}, {"protocol":"HTTP/1.1","remote_addr":"","pid":"78640","user":"-", "status":"A","method":"GET","uri":"/","host":"localhost:10226","ss":0}, ... ],"IdleWorkers":"3"} For extra information, please refer to [the full documentation for Mojolicious::Plugin::ServerStatus]( on CPAN. #### Author #### fu kai (iakuf {at} #### License #### This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.