# NAME Net::Marathon - An object-oriented Mapper for the Marathon REST API, fork of Marathon module # SYNOPSIS Net::Marathon 0.1.0 is a fork of Marathon 0.9 with a fix on Events API (applied this patch https://github.com/geidies/perl-Marathon/pull/1). Otherwise it is the same, more differences may come in future versions. This module is a wrapper around the \[Marathon REST API\](http://mesosphere.github.io/marathon/docs/rest-api.html), so it can be used without having to write JSON by hand. For the most common tasks, there is a helper method in the main module. Some additional methods are found in the Net::Marathon::App etc. submodules. To start, create a marathon object: my $m = Net::Marathon->new( url => 'http://my.marathon.here:8080' ); my $app = $m->get_app('hello-marathon'); $app->instances( 23 ); $app->update(); print STDERR Dumper( $app->deployments ); sleep 10; $app->instances( 1 ); $app->update( {force => 'true'} ); # should work even if the scaling up is not done yet. # SUBROUTINES/METHODS ## new Creates a Marathon object. You can pass in the URL to the marathon REST interface: use Net::Marathon; my $marathon = Net::Marathon->new( url => '', verbose => 0 ); The "verbose" parameter makes the module more chatty on STDERR. ## get\_app( $id ) Returns a Net::Marathon::App as identified by the single argument "id". In case there is no such app, will return undef. my $app = $marathon->get_app('such-1'); print $app->id . "\n"; ## new\_app( $config ) Returns a new Net::Marathon::App as described in the $config hash. Example: my $app = $marathon->new_app({ id => 'very-1', mem => 4, cpus => 0.1, cmd => "while [ 1 ]; do echo 'wow.'; done" }); This will not (!) start the app in marathon. To do so, call create() on the returned object: $app->create(); ## get\_group( $id ) Works like get\_app, just for groups. ## new\_group( $config ) Creates a new group. You can either specify the apps in-line: my $group = $marathon->new_group( { id => 'very-1', apps: [{ id => "such-2", cmd => ... }, { id => "such-3", cmd => ... }] } ); Or add them to the created group later: my $group = $marathon->new_group( { id => 'very-1' } ); $group->add( $marathon->new_app( { id => "such-2", cmd => ... } ); $group->add( $marathon->new_app( { id => "such-3", cmd => ... } ); In any case, new\_group will just return a Net::Marathon::Group object, it will not commit to marathon until you call create() on the returned object: $group->create(); ## events() Returns a Net::Marathon::Events objects. You can register callbacks on it and start listening to the events stream. ## get\_tasks( $status ) Returns an array of currently running tasks. If $status is "running" or "staging", will filter and return only those tasks. ## kill\_tasks({ tasks => $@ids, scale => bool }) Kills the tasks with the given @ids. Scales if the scale param is true. ## get\_deployments Returns a list of Net::Marathon::Deployment objects with the currently running deployments. ## kill\_deployment( $id, { force => bool } ) Stop the deployment with given id. ## metrics returns the metrics returned by the /metrics endpoint, converted from json to perl. ## help returns the HTML returned by the /help endpoint. ## logging returns the HTML returned by the /logging endpoint. ## ping returns 1 if the master responds to a ping request. # AUTHOR Sebastian Geidies `<seb at geidi.es>` (original Marathon module) Miroslav Tynovsky