[](https://travis-ci.org/tsucchi/p5-Otogiri-Plugin-DeleteCascade) [](https://coveralls.io/r/tsucchi/p5-Otogiri-Plugin-DeleteCascade?branch=master) # NAME Otogiri::Plugin::DeleteCascade - Otogiri Plugin for cascading delete by following FK columns # SYNOPSIS use Otogiri; use Otogiri::Plugin; Otogiri->load_plugin('DeleteCascade'); my $db = Otogiri->new( connect_info => $connect_info ); $db->insert('parent_table', { id => 123, value => 'aaa' }); $db->insert('child_table', { parent_id => 123, value => 'bbb'}); # child.parent_id referes parent_table.id(FK) $db->delete_cascade('parent_table', { id => 123 }); # both parent_table and child_table are deleted. # DESCRIPTION Otogiri::Plugin::DeleteCascade is plugin for [Otogiri](https://metacpan.org/pod/Otogiri) which provides cascading delete feature. loading this plugin, `delete_cascade` method is exported. `delete_cascade` follows Foreign Keys(FK) and delete data referred in these key. # NOTICE Please DO NOT USE this module in production code and data. This module is intended to be used for data maintenance in development environment or cleanup data for test code. This module does not support multiple foreign key. It causes unexpected data lost if you delete data in multiple foreign key table. This module uses [DBIx::Inspector](https://metacpan.org/pod/DBIx::Inspector) to access metadata(foreign keys). In some environment, database administrator does not allow to access these metadata, In this case this module can't be used. # METHOD ## $self->delete\_cascade($table\_name, $cond\_href); Delete rows that matched to $cond\_href and child table rows that can be followed by Foreign Keys. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Takuya Tsuchida. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Takuya Tsuchida <tsucchi@cpan.org>