Test::Subs - Test your modules with a lightweight syntax based on
    anonymous block

      use SomeModule;
      use Test::Subs;
      test { 1 == 2 };

    This module provide a very lightweight syntax to run "Test::Harness" or
    "Tap::Harness" compliant test on your code.

    As opposed to other similar packages, the two main functionnalities of
    "Test::Subs" are that the tests are anonymous code block (rather than
    list of values), which are (subjectively) cleaner and easier to read,
    and that you do not need to pre-declare the number of tests that are
    going to be run (so all modifications in a test file are local).

    Using this module is just a matter of "use Test::Subs" followed by the
    declaration of your tests with the functions described below. All tests
    are then run at the end of the execution of your test file.

    As a protection against some error, if the compilation phase fail, the
    output of the test file will be one failed pseudo-test.

    This is a list of the public function of this library. Functions not
    listed here are for internal use only by this module and should not be
    used in any external code unless .

    All the functions described below are automatically exported into your
    package except if you explicitely request to opposite with "use
    Test::Subs ();".

    Finally, these function must all be called from the top-level and not
    inside of the code of another test function. That is because the library
    must know the number of test before their execution.

      test { CODE };
      test { CODE } DESCR;

    This function register a code-block containing a test. During the
    execution of the test, the code will be run and the test will be deemed
    successful if the returned value is "true".

    The optionnal "DESCR" is a string (or an expression returning a string)
    which will be added as a comment to the result of this test. If this
    string contains a "printf" *conversion* (e.g. %s or %d) it will be
    replaced by the result of the code block. If the description is omitted,
    it will be replaced by the filename and line number of the test. You can
    use an empty string '' to deactivate completely the output of a comment
    to the test.

      todo { CODE };
      todo { CODE } DESCR;

    This function is the same as the function "test", except that the test
    will be registered as *to-do*. So a failure of this test will be ignored
    when your test is run inside a test plan by "Test::Harness" or

      match { CODE } REGEXP;
      match { CODE } REGEXP, DESCR;

    This function declares a test which will succeed if the result of the
    code block match the given regular expression.

    The regexp may be given as a scalar string or as a "qr" encoded regexp.

      not_ok { CODE };
      not_ok { CODE } DESCR;

    This function is exactly the opposite of the "test" one. The test that
    it declares will succeed if the code block return a "false" value.

      fail { CODE };
      fail { CODE } DESCR;

    This function declares a test that will succeed if its code block "die"
    (raise any exception).

      failwith { CODE } REGEXP;
      failwith { CODE } REGEXP, DESCR;

    As for the "fail" function, this function declares a test which expects
    that its code block "die". Except that the test will succeed only if the
    raised exception (the content of the $@ variable) match the given
    regular expression.

    The regexp may be given as a scalar string or as a "qr" encoded regexp.

      comment { CODE };

    This function evaluate its code and display the resulting value on the
    standard error handle. The buffering on "STDOUT" and "STDERR" is
    deactivated when "Test::Subs" is used and the output of this function
    should appear in between the result of the test when the test file is
    run stand-alone.

    This function must be used outside of the code of the other functions
    described above. To output comment to "STDERR" inside a test, just use
    the "print" or "printf" function. The default output has been
    "select"-ed to "STDERR" so the result of the test will not be altered.

  skip (new in 0.07)
      skip 'reason' unless eval 'use Foo::Bar';

    This function allows to skip a test file. It must be used outside of
    test subs of the other functions. You will typically use it to disable a
    test file if the current version of Perl is missing some required
    functionnalities for the tests.

    The argument for the function is a string explaining the reason why the
    tests have been skipped. This reasion will be reported in the output of
    a "Test::Harness" run.

  test_pod (new in 0.04)

    This function takes a list of module name and registers one test for
    each given module. The test will run the module file through
    "Pod::Checker" and fail if there is errors in the POD of the file.
    Moreover, in debug mode, all errors and warnings are printed to

      debug { CODE } DESCR;

    This function register and executes a dummy test: the CODE is executed
    and error messages (if any) are written on "STDERR". The test will
    succeed under the same condition as with the "test" function.

    Usefull when a test fail to quickly see what is going on.

  Debug mode (new in 0.03)
    You can pass a "debug" argument to the package when you are "using" it:

      use Test::Subs debug => 1;

    If the value supplied to this option is *true* then all call to the
    "test" functions will behave like calls to the "debug" function. Also,
    most of the function of this library will give more output (on "STDERR")
    if their test fails.

  Path to the library files (new in 0.05)
    By default, if you specify a 'My::Module' module as a target of the
    "test_pod" function, the file for this module will be searched in
    "lib/My/" relatively to the current working directory. This
    should work for standard distribution. Yau can modify this behaviour
    with the "lib" option as argument to the package when you are "using"

      use Test::Subs lib => '../lib';

    The supplied path will serve as the base directory to look for the
    module file (e.g. "My/"), relatively to the the test script
    directory (and not to the current working directory as in the default

  Warning level for POD Checking (new in 0.05)
    You can tune the number of warning generated by the "test_pod" function
    using a "pod_warn" argument to the package when you are "using" it:

      use Test::Subs pod_warn => 0;

    This option expects an integer value. A value of '0' will deactivates
    all warnings, a value of '1' will activates most warnings and a value of
    '2' will activates some additionnals warnings. More details on the
    available warnings can be found in the "POD::Checker" documentation.

    Note that, in any case, the warnings will only be printed in "debug"

    Here is an example of a small test file using this module.

      use strict;
      use warnings;
      use Test::Subs debug => 1, lib => '../lib';
      use My::Module;
      test { My::Module::init() } 'This is the first test';
      todo { My::Module::make_coffee() };
      not_ok { 0 };
      fail { die "fail" };
      test_pod('My::Module', 'My::Module::Internal');

    Run through "Test::Harness" this file will pass, with only the second
    test failing (but marked *todo* so that's OK).

    This package does not use the "Test::Builder" facility and as such is
    not compatible with other testing modules are using "Test::Builder".
    This may be changed in a future release.

    The standard set by "Test::Harness" is that all output to "STDOUT" is
    interpreted by the test parser. So a test file should write additional
    output only to "STDERR". This is what will be done by the "comment"
    fonction. To help with this, during the execution of your test file, the
    "STDERR" file-handle will be "select"-ed. So any un-qualified "print" or
    "printf" call will end in "STDERR".

    This package use source filtering (with "Filter::Simple"). The filter
    applied is very simple, but there is a slight possibility that it is
    incompatible with other source filters. If so, do not hesitate to report
    this as a bug.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to
    "", or through the web interface at

    Test, Test::Tiny, Test::Lite, Test::Simple

    Mathias Kende (

    Version 0.08 (February 2013)

    Copyright 2013 В© Mathias Kende. All rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.