Config-Easy version 0.03

Config::Easy provides access to a simple key-value configuration file.


To install this module on Unix and its variants,
take the Config-Easy-0.3.tar.gz file and do
the usual:

	% gunzip Config-Easy-0.3.tar.gz
	% tar xvf Config-Easy-0.3.tar
	% cd Config-Easy-0.3
	% perl Makefile.PL
	% make
	% make test

	And assuming all went well,
	become super user to do the following:
	# make install

Since this is a pure Perl module you COULD install it manually.
Unzip the tar.gz file somehow and then make a Config subdirectory
somewhere on the default search paths (see perl -V and look
at the bottom for the @INC array).  Then copy
lib/Config/ there.

For example, on Win32:
	Use Winzip to extract the files from the tar.gz file.
	lib/Config/ will be among them.

	C:> perl -V

	# make the Config directory:
	C:>md D:\Perl\site\lib\Config

	Copy  lib/Config/  to  D:\Perl\site\lib\Config

	That's all that is needed.
	Then you can do:

	C:> perldoc Config::Easy

	And use the module however you wish.


Put the correct copyright and licence information here.

Copyright (C) 2004 by Jon Bjornstad

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.