NAME Data::Object::Types ABSTRACT Data-Object Type Constraints SYNOPSIS package main; use Data::Object::Types; 1; DESCRIPTION This package provides type constraints for Data::Object. CONSTRAINTS This package declares the following type constraints: argsobj ArgsObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. argsobj parent Object argsobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Args"] argsobj example #1 # package ArgsExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Args'; package main; bless {}, 'ArgsExample'; argsobject ArgsObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. argsobject parent Object argsobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Args"] argsobject example #1 # package ArgsExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Args'; package main; bless {}, 'ArgsExample'; arrayobj ArrayObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. arrayobj parent Object arrayobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Array"] arrayobj coercion #1 # coerce from ArrayRef [] arrayobj example #1 # package ArrayExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Array'; package main; bless [], 'ArrayExample'; arrayobject ArrayObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. arrayobject parent Object arrayobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Array"] arrayobject coercion #1 # coerce from ArrayRef [] arrayobject example #1 # package ArrayExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Array'; package main; bless [], 'ArrayExample'; boolobj BoolObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. boolobj parent Object boolobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Boolean"] boolobj example #1 # package BooleanExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Boolean'; package main; my $bool = 1; bless \$bool, 'BooleanExample'; boolobject BoolObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. boolobject parent Object boolobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Boolean"] boolobject example #1 # package BooleanExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Boolean'; package main; my $bool = 1; bless \$bool, 'BooleanExample'; booleanobj BooleanObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. booleanobj parent Object booleanobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Boolean"] booleanobj example #1 # package BooleanExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Boolean'; package main; my $bool = 1; bless \$bool, 'BooleanExample'; booleanobject BooleanObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. booleanobject parent Object booleanobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Boolean"] booleanobject example #1 # package BooleanExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Boolean'; package main; my $bool = 1; bless \$bool, 'BooleanExample'; cliobj CliObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. cliobj parent Object cliobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Cli"] cliobj example #1 # package CliExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Cli'; package main; bless {}, 'CliExample'; cliobject CliObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. cliobject parent Object cliobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Cli"] cliobject example #1 # package CliExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Cli'; package main; bless {}, 'CliExample'; codeobj CodeObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. codeobj parent Object codeobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Code"] codeobj coercion #1 # coerce from CodeRef sub{} codeobj example #1 # package CodeExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Code'; package main; bless sub{}, 'CodeExample'; codeobject CodeObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. codeobject parent Object codeobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Code"] codeobject coercion #1 # coerce from CodeRef sub{} codeobject example #1 # package CodeExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Code'; package main; bless sub{}, 'CodeExample'; dataobj DataObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dataobj parent Object dataobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Data"] dataobj example #1 # package DataExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Data'; package main; bless {}, 'DataExample'; dataobject DataObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dataobject parent Object dataobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Data"] dataobject example #1 # package DataExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Data'; package main; bless {}, 'DataExample'; doargs DoArgs This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. doargs parent Object doargs composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Args"] doargs example #1 # package ArgsExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Args'; package main; bless {}, 'ArgsExample'; doarray DoArray This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. doarray parent Object doarray composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Array"] doarray coercion #1 # coerce from ArrayRef [] doarray example #1 # package ArrayExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Array'; package main; bless [], 'ArrayExample'; doboolean DoBoolean This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. doboolean parent Object doboolean composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Boolean"] doboolean example #1 # package BooleanExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Boolean'; package main; my $bool = 1; bless \$bool, 'BooleanExample'; docli DoCli This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. docli parent Object docli composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Cli"] docli example #1 # package CliExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Cli'; package main; bless {}, 'CliExample'; docode DoCode This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. docode parent Object docode composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Code"] docode coercion #1 # coerce from CodeRef sub{} docode example #1 # package CodeExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Code'; package main; bless sub{}, 'CodeExample'; dodata DoData This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dodata parent Object dodata composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Data"] dodata example #1 # package DataExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Data'; package main; bless {}, 'DataExample'; dodumpable DoDumpable This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dodumpable parent Object dodumpable composition ConsumerOf["Data::Object::Role::Dumpable"] dodumpable example #1 # package DumpableExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # with 'Data::Object::Role::Dumpable'; package main; bless {}, 'DumpableExample'; doexception DoException This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. doexception parent Object doexception composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Exception"] doexception example #1 # package ExceptionExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Exception'; package main; bless {}, 'ExceptionExample'; dofloat DoFloat This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dofloat parent Object dofloat composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Float"] dofloat coercion #1 # coerce from LaxNum 123 dofloat coercion #2 # coerce from Str '123' dofloat coercion #3 # coerce from Num 123 dofloat example #1 # package FloatExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Float'; package main; my $float = 1.23; bless \$float, 'FloatExample'; dofunc DoFunc This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dofunc parent Object dofunc composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Func"] dofunc example #1 # package FuncExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Func'; package main; bless {}, 'FuncExample'; dohash DoHash This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dohash parent Object dohash composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Hash"] dohash coercion #1 # coerce from HashRef {} dohash example #1 # package HashExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Hash'; package main; bless {}, 'HashExample'; doimmutable DoImmutable This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. doimmutable parent Object doimmutable composition ConsumerOf["Data::Object::Role::Immutable"] doimmutable example #1 # package ImmutableExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # with 'Data::Object::Role::Immutable'; package main; bless {}, 'ImmutableExample'; donum DoNum This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. donum parent Object donum composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Number"] donum coercion #1 # coerce from LaxNum 123 donum coercion #2 # coerce from Str '123' donum coercion #3 # coerce from Num 123 donum coercion #4 # coerce from StrictNum 123 donum coercion #5 # coerce from Int 99999 donum example #1 # package NumberExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Number'; package main; my $num = 123; bless \$num, 'NumberExample'; doopts DoOpts This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. doopts parent Object doopts composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Opts"] doopts example #1 # package OptsExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Opts'; package main; bless {}, 'OptsExample'; doregexp DoRegexp This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. doregexp parent Object doregexp composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Regexp"] doregexp coercion #1 # coerce from RegexpRef qr// doregexp example #1 # package RegexpExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Regexp'; package main; bless {}, 'RegexpExample'; doreplace DoReplace This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. doreplace parent Object doreplace composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Replace"] doreplace example #1 # package ReplaceExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Replace'; package main; bless {}, 'ReplaceExample'; doscalar DoScalar This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. doscalar parent Object doscalar composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Scalar"] doscalar coercion #1 # coerce from ScalarRef do { my $i = 0; \$i } doscalar example #1 # package ScalarExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Scalar'; package main; my $scalar = 'abc'; bless \$scalar, 'ScalarExample'; dosearch DoSearch This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dosearch parent Object dosearch composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Search"] dosearch example #1 # package SearchExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Search'; package main; bless {}, 'SearchExample'; dospace DoSpace This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dospace parent Object dospace composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Space"] dospace coercion #1 # coerce from Str 'abc' dospace example #1 # package SpaceExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Space'; package main; bless {}, 'SpaceExample'; dostashable DoStashable This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dostashable parent Object dostashable composition ConsumerOf["Data::Object::Role::Stashable"] dostashable example #1 # package StashableExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # with 'Data::Object::Role::Stashable'; package main; bless {}, 'StashableExample'; dostate DoState This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dostate parent Object dostate composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::State"] dostate example #1 # package StateExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::State'; package main; bless {}, 'StateExample'; dostr DoStr This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dostr parent Object dostr composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::String"] dostr coercion #1 # coerce from Str 'abc' dostr example #1 # package StringExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::String'; package main; my $string = 'abc'; bless \$string, 'StringExample'; dostruct DoStruct This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dostruct parent Object dostruct composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Struct"] dostruct example #1 # package StructExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Struct'; package main; bless {}, 'StructExample'; dothrowable DoThrowable This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dothrowable parent Object dothrowable composition ConsumerOf["Data::Object::Role::Throwable"] dothrowable example #1 # package ThrowableExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # with 'Data::Object::Role::Throwable'; package main; bless {}, 'ThrowableExample'; doundef DoUndef This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. doundef parent Object doundef composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Undef"] doundef coercion #1 # coerce from Undef undef doundef example #1 # package UndefExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Undef'; my $undef = undef; bless \$undef, 'UndefExample'; dovars DoVars This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dovars parent Object dovars composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Vars"] dovars example #1 # package VarsExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Vars'; package main; bless {}, 'VarsExample'; dumpable Dumpable This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. dumpable parent Object dumpable composition ConsumerOf["Data::Object::Role::Dumpable"] dumpable example #1 # package DumpableExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # with 'Data::Object::Role::Dumpable'; package main; bless {}, 'DumpableExample'; exceptionobj ExceptionObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. exceptionobj parent Object exceptionobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Exception"] exceptionobj example #1 # package ExceptionExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Exception'; package main; bless {}, 'ExceptionExample'; exceptionobject ExceptionObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. exceptionobject parent Object exceptionobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Exception"] exceptionobject example #1 # package ExceptionExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Exception'; package main; bless {}, 'ExceptionExample'; floatobj FloatObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. floatobj parent Object floatobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Float"] floatobj coercion #1 # coerce from Num 123 floatobj coercion #2 # coerce from LaxNum 123 floatobj coercion #3 # coerce from Str '1.23' floatobj example #1 # package FloatExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Float'; package main; my $float = 1.23; bless \$float, 'FloatExample'; floatobject FloatObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. floatobject parent Object floatobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Float"] floatobject coercion #1 # coerce from Num 123 floatobject coercion #2 # coerce from LaxNum 123 floatobject coercion #3 # coerce from Str '1.23' floatobject example #1 # package FloatExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Float'; package main; my $float = 1.23; bless \$float, 'FloatExample'; funcobj FuncObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. funcobj parent Object funcobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Func"] funcobj example #1 # package FuncExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Func'; package main; bless {}, 'FuncExample'; funcobject FuncObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. funcobject parent Object funcobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Func"] funcobject example #1 # package FuncExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Func'; package main; bless {}, 'FuncExample'; hashobj HashObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. hashobj parent Object hashobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Hash"] hashobj coercion #1 # coerce from HashRef {} hashobj example #1 # package HashExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Hash'; package main; bless {}, 'HashExample'; hashobject HashObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. hashobject parent Object hashobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Hash"] hashobject coercion #1 # coerce from HashRef {} hashobject example #1 # package HashExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Hash'; package main; bless {}, 'HashExample'; immutable Immutable This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. immutable parent Object immutable composition ConsumerOf["Data::Object::Role::Immutable"] immutable example #1 # package ImmutableExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # with 'Data::Object::Role::Immutable'; package main; bless {}, 'ImmutableExample'; numobj NumObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. numobj parent Object numobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Number"] numobj coercion #1 # coerce from LaxNum 123 numobj coercion #2 # coerce from Str '123' numobj coercion #3 # coerce from Int 99999 numobj coercion #4 # coerce from Num 123 numobj coercion #5 # coerce from StrictNum 123 numobj example #1 # package NumberExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Number'; package main; my $num = 123; bless \$num, 'NumberExample'; numobject NumObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. numobject parent Object numobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Number"] numobject coercion #1 # coerce from Num 123 numobject coercion #2 # coerce from StrictNum 123 numobject coercion #3 # coerce from Int 99999 numobject coercion #4 # coerce from LaxNum 123 numobject coercion #5 # coerce from Str '123' numobject example #1 # package NumberExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Number'; package main; my $num = 123; bless \$num, 'NumberExample'; numberobj NumberObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. numberobj parent Object numberobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Number"] numberobj coercion #1 # coerce from Int 99999 numberobj coercion #2 # coerce from StrictNum 123 numberobj coercion #3 # coerce from Num 123 numberobj coercion #4 # coerce from Str '123' numberobj coercion #5 # coerce from LaxNum 123 numberobj example #1 # package NumberExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Number'; package main; my $num = 123; bless \$num, 'NumberExample'; numberobject NumberObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. numberobject parent Object numberobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Number"] numberobject coercion #1 # coerce from Int 99999 numberobject coercion #2 # coerce from StrictNum 123 numberobject coercion #3 # coerce from Num 123 numberobject coercion #4 # coerce from Str '123' numberobject coercion #5 # coerce from LaxNum 123 numberobject example #1 # package NumberExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Number'; package main; my $num = 123; bless \$num, 'NumberExample'; optsobj OptsObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. optsobj parent Object optsobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Opts"] optsobj example #1 # package OptsExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Opts'; package main; bless {}, 'OptsExample'; optsobject OptsObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. optsobject parent Object optsobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Opts"] optsobject example #1 # package OptsExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Opts'; package main; bless {}, 'OptsExample'; regexpobj RegexpObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. regexpobj parent Object regexpobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Regexp"] regexpobj coercion #1 # coerce from RegexpRef qr// regexpobj example #1 # package RegexpExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Regexp'; package main; bless {}, 'RegexpExample'; regexpobject RegexpObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. regexpobject parent Object regexpobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Regexp"] regexpobject coercion #1 # coerce from RegexpRef qr// regexpobject example #1 # package RegexpExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Regexp'; package main; bless {}, 'RegexpExample'; replaceobj ReplaceObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. replaceobj parent Object replaceobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Replace"] replaceobj example #1 # package ReplaceExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Replace'; package main; bless {}, 'ReplaceExample'; replaceobject ReplaceObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. replaceobject parent Object replaceobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Replace"] replaceobject example #1 # package ReplaceExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Replace'; package main; bless {}, 'ReplaceExample'; scalarobj ScalarObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. scalarobj parent Object scalarobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Scalar"] scalarobj coercion #1 # coerce from ScalarRef do { my $i = 0; \$i } scalarobj example #1 # package ScalarExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Scalar'; package main; my $scalar = 'abc'; bless \$scalar, 'ScalarExample'; scalarobject ScalarObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. scalarobject parent Object scalarobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Scalar"] scalarobject coercion #1 # coerce from ScalarRef do { my $i = 0; \$i } scalarobject example #1 # package ScalarExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Scalar'; package main; my $scalar = 'abc'; bless \$scalar, 'ScalarExample'; searchobj SearchObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. searchobj parent Object searchobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Search"] searchobj example #1 # package SearchExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Search'; package main; bless {}, 'SearchExample'; searchobject SearchObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. searchobject parent Object searchobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Search"] searchobject example #1 # package SearchExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Search'; package main; bless {}, 'SearchExample'; spaceobj SpaceObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. spaceobj parent Object spaceobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Space"] spaceobj coercion #1 # coerce from Str 'abc' spaceobj example #1 # package SpaceExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Space'; package main; bless {}, 'SpaceExample'; spaceobject SpaceObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. spaceobject parent Object spaceobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Space"] spaceobject coercion #1 # coerce from Str 'abc' spaceobject example #1 # package SpaceExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Space'; package main; bless {}, 'SpaceExample'; stashable Stashable This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. stashable parent Object stashable composition ConsumerOf["Data::Object::Role::Stashable"] stashable example #1 # package StashableExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # with 'Data::Object::Role::Stashable'; package main; bless {}, 'StashableExample'; stateobj StateObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. stateobj parent Object stateobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::State"] stateobj example #1 # package StateExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::State'; package main; bless {}, 'StateExample'; stateobject StateObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. stateobject parent Object stateobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::State"] stateobject example #1 # package StateExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::State'; package main; bless {}, 'StateExample'; strobj StrObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. strobj parent Object strobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::String"] strobj coercion #1 # coerce from Str 'abc' strobj example #1 # package StringExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::String'; package main; my $string = 'abc'; bless \$string, 'StringExample'; strobject StrObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. strobject parent Object strobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::String"] strobject coercion #1 # coerce from Str 'abc' strobject example #1 # package StringExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::String'; package main; my $string = 'abc'; bless \$string, 'StringExample'; stringobj StringObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. stringobj parent Object stringobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::String"] stringobj coercion #1 # coerce from Str 'abc' stringobj example #1 # package StringExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::String'; package main; my $string = 'abc'; bless \$string, 'StringExample'; stringobject StringObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. stringobject parent Object stringobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::String"] stringobject coercion #1 # coerce from Str 'abc' stringobject example #1 # package StringExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::String'; package main; my $string = 'abc'; bless \$string, 'StringExample'; structobj StructObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. structobj parent Object structobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Struct"] structobj example #1 # package StructExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Struct'; package main; bless {}, 'StructExample'; structobject StructObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. structobject parent Object structobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Struct"] structobject example #1 # package StructExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Struct'; package main; bless {}, 'StructExample'; throwable Throwable This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. throwable parent Object throwable composition ConsumerOf["Data::Object::Role::Throwable"] throwable example #1 # package ThrowableExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # with 'Data::Object::Role::Throwable'; package main; bless {}, 'ThrowableExample'; undefobj UndefObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. undefobj parent Object undefobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Undef"] undefobj coercion #1 # coerce from Undef undef undefobj example #1 # package UndefExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Undef'; package main; my $undef = undef; bless \$undef, 'UndefExample'; undefobject UndefObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. undefobject parent Object undefobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Undef"] undefobject coercion #1 # coerce from Undef undef undefobject example #1 # package UndefExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Undef'; package main; my $undef = undef; bless \$undef, 'UndefExample'; varsobj VarsObj This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. varsobj parent Object varsobj composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Vars"] varsobj example #1 # package VarsExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Vars'; package main; bless {}, 'VarsExample'; varsobject VarsObject This type is defined in the Data::Object::Types library. varsobject parent Object varsobject composition InstanceOf["Data::Object::Vars"] varsobject example #1 # package VarsExample; # use Data::Object::Class; # extends 'Data::Object::Vars'; package main; bless {}, 'VarsExample'; AUTHOR Al Newkirk, LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated in the "license file" <>. PROJECT Wiki <> Project <> Initiatives <> Milestones <> Contributing <> Issues <>