Metabrik ======== The Metabrik Platform bind togother a classic Shell with a Perl interpreter as a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) and a ton of small Briks. Briks are reusable components each performing a specific task. You chain Briks together using Perl variables, they are used to pass output of a Brik Command as input for another Brik Command. By chaining Briks togother, you easily create new powerful tools, just like the UNIX pipe. Briks also share the same syntax so you don't have to scratch your head each time you use yet-another-tool, and they also feature integrated help. To know more: INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other programs and modules: A. For Debian-based systems apt-get build-essential cpanminus libreadline-dev mercurial sudo B. For FreeBSD systems pkg devel/mercurial devel/p5-App-cpanminus security/sudo C. For all systems Perl v5.6.1 Class::Gomor Cwd Data::Dump File::Find File::HomeDir File::Path IO::All Lexical::Persistence Module::Reload PPI Term::ANSIColor Term::ReadLine::Gnu Term::Shell COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Patrice EGomoRE Auffret You may distribute this module under the terms of The BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE file in the source distribution archive.