--- abstract: 'indicate where leaked variables are coming from.' author: - "Richard Clamp <richardc@unixbeard.net> with portions of LeakTrace.xs\ntaken from Nick Ing-Simmons' Devel::Leak module." build_requires: ExtUtils::CBuilder: 0 configure_requires: Module::Build: 0.36 dynamic_config: 1 generated_by: 'Module::Build version 0.3607' license: perl meta-spec: url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html version: 1.4 name: Devel-LeakTrace provides: Devel::LeakTrace: file: lib/Devel/LeakTrace.pm version: 0.06 requires: Module::Build: 0.19 Test::More: 0 resources: license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ version: 0.06