[](https://travis-ci.org/fluent/fluent-logger-perl) # NAME Fluent::Logger - A structured event logger for Fluent # SYNOPSIS use Fluent::Logger; my $logger = Fluent::Logger->new( host => '', port => 24224, ); $logger->post("myapp.access", { "agent" => "foo" }); # output: myapp.access {"agent":"foo"} my $logger = Fluent::Logger->new( tag_prefix => 'myapp', host => '', port => 24224, ); $logger->post("access", { "agent" => "foo" }); # output: myapp.access {"agent":"foo"} # DESCRIPTION Fluent::Logger is a structured event logger for Fluent. # METHODS - **new**(%args) create new logger instance. %args: tag_prefix => 'Str': optional host => 'Str': default is '' port => 'Int': default is 24224 timeout => 'Num': default is 3.0 socket => 'Str': default undef (e.g. "/var/run/fluent/fluent.sock") prefer_integer => 'Bool': default 1 (set to Data::MessagePack->prefer_integer) event_time => 'Bool': default 0 (timestamp includes nanoseconds, supported by fluentd >= 0.14.0) buffer_limit => 'Int': defualt 8388608 (8MB) buffer_overflow_handler => 'Code': optional truncate_buffer_at_overflow => 'Bool': default 0 - buffer\_overflow\_handler You can inject your own custom coderef to handle buffer overflow in the event of connection failure. This will mitigate the loss of data instead of simply throwing data away. Your proc should accept a single argument, which will be the internal buffer of messages from the logger. A typical use-case for this would be writing to disk or possibly writing to Redis. - truncate\_buffer\_at\_overflow When truncate\_buffer\_at\_overflow is true and pending buffer size is larger than buffer\_limit, post() returns undef. Pending buffer still be kept, but last message passed to post() is not sent and not appended to buffer. You may handle the message by other method. - **post**($tag:Str, $msg:HashRef) Send message to fluent server with tag. Return bytes length of written messages. If event\_time is set to true, log's timestamp includes nanoseconds. - **post\_with\_time**($tag:Str, $msg:HashRef, $time:Int|Float) Send message to fluent server with tag and time. If event\_time is set to true, $time argument accepts Float value (such as Time::HiRes::time()). - **close**() close connection. If the logger has pending data, flushing it to server on close. - **errstr** return error message. $logger->post( info => { "msg": "test" } ) or die $logger->errstr; # AUTHOR HIROSE Masaaki <hirose31 \_at\_ gmail.com> Shinichiro Sei <sei \_at\_ kayac.com> FUJIWARA Shunichiro <fujiwara \_at\_ cpan.org> # THANKS TO Kazuki Ohta FURUHASHI Sadayuki lestrrat # REPOSITORY [https://github.com/fluent/fluent-logger-perl](https://github.com/fluent/fluent-logger-perl) git clone git://github.com/fluent/fluent-logger-perl.git patches and collaborators are welcome. # SEE ALSO [http://fluent.github.com/](http://fluent.github.com/) # COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright FUJIWARA Shunichiro This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.