tjava 0.4 This is the CPAN module Template::Plugin::Java. It is designed to assist in the generation of Java code using the Template toolkit. To this end, it offers generation of Java beans from XML description files, and from table schemas via Template::Plugin::JavaSQL. THIS IS AN INTERMEDIATE RELEASE ------------------------------- I was annoyed with how long all the necessary changes were taken, so this is already MUCH more useful than 0.3. There is no dependency on any non-existant parser any more. Beans parse themselves out of SAX, quickly, recursively. The toString() method of all beans now replaces any need for an xmlEncode(). The DBClass template works much better. Etc. This thing is actually more or less usable now. I hope 0.5 to be more documented and cleaner over all. QUICKSTART ---------- Make an .xml file I will use the one in the Template::Plugin::Java manpage: <aBean> <foo>10</foo> <bar>String</bar> <container> <baz>20</baz> </container> </aBean> called ABean.xml. For a database generated bean, it'd look something like this: <aBean> <java: template="DBClass"/> <sql: table="tin_can"/> </aBean> The SQL context can also be: <sql: query="select * ... (complex select expression here)"/> Then, make sure TEMPLATEPATH is set correctly, the default templates are installed into ${PREFIX}/share/tjava, so usually you will want to have: export TEMPLATEPATH=/usr/local/share/tjava tjava ABean.xml jikes # or javac, whatever Look at the source for to see how to use it. The database clases support basically, setX(), find() (based on what is set), store() (current row update, or insert new row if not on something from find()); and remove() to delete the row on which the cursor is currently. Most importantly, after find() you MUST call next() to advance the cursor to the next row, and thereafter until next() returns a false value. Example usage: Employee e = new Employee(db_connection); e.setFirstName("Rafael"); e.find(); // select * from employee where first_name = 'Rafael'; while ( { System.out.println(e); // Print them all out. } More extensive documentation is forthcoming.