# NAME Lingua::JA::Gal - "г‚®гѓЈгѓ«ж–‡е—" converter # SYNOPSIS use utf8; use Lingua::JA::Gal; $text = Lingua::JA::Gal->gal("гЃ“г‚“гЃ«гЃЎгЃЇ"); # => "вЉ‡пЅ—дёЁпѕ†гЃЎпѕљпїЎ" # DESCRIPTION "г‚®гѓЈгѓ«ж–‡е—" (gal's alphabet) is a Japanese writing style that was popular with Japanese teenage girls in the early 2000s. [https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%AE%E3%83%A3%E3%83%AB%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%AE%E3%83%A3%E3%83%AB%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97) # METHOD ## gal( $text, \[ \\%options \] ) Lingua::JA::Gal->gal("г‚®гѓЈгѓ«г‚‚гЃ"); # => "(пЅ·гЂѓгѓЈlレ€U〃" ### OPTIONS - `rate` for converting rate. default is 100 (full). Lingua::JA::Gal->gal($text, { rate => 100 }); # full(default) Lingua::JA::Gal->gal($text, { rate => 50 }); # half Lingua::JA::Gal->gal($text, { rate => 0 }); # nothing - `callback` if you want to do your own gal way. Lingua::JA::Gal->gal($text, { callback => sub { my ($char, $suggestions, $options) = @_; # жјўе—のみ変換する if ($char =~ /p{Han}/) { return $suggestions->[ int(rand @$suggestions) ]; } else { return $char; } }); # EXPORT no exports by default. ## gal use Lingua::JA::Gal qw/gal/; print gal("..."); # AUTHOR Naoki Tomita <tomita@cpan.org> # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.