NAME video-generator - Script to print or run of example from documentation. SYNOPSIS video-generator [-d duration] [-f fps] [-h] [-s size] [--version] output_file DESCRIPTION video-generator script uses Video::Generator class to create videos via ffmpeg. ARGUMENTS * "-d duration" Duration. Default value is 10000 (10s). * "-f fps" Frame rate. Default value is 60 frames per second. * "-h" Print help. * "-s size" Video size. Default value is 1920x1080. * "--version" Print version of script. * "output_file" Output file. e.g. foo.mpg e.g. foo.mp4 EXAMPLE1 video-generator # Output: # Usage: video-generator [-d duration] [-f fps] [-h] # [-s size] [--version] output_file # # -d duration Duration (default value is 10000 (=10s) # -f fps Frame rate # -h Help. # -s size Size (default value is 1920x1080). # --version Print version. EXAMPLE2 video-generator foo.mpg # Output: # -nothing- # Created foo.mpg file in local directory. EXAMPLE3 video-generator -s 100x100 foo.mp4 # Output: # -nothing- # Created foo.mpg file in local directory. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Е paДЌek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT В© 2015 Michal Е paДЌek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01