Text::Fuzzy::PP - partial or fuzzy string matching using edit distances
    (Pure Perl)

        use Text::Fuzzy::PP;
        my $tf = Text::Fuzzy::PP->new ('boboon');
        print "Distance is ", $tf->distance ('babboon'), "\n";
        # Prints "Distance is 2"
        my @words = qw/the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog/;
        my $nearest = $tf->nearest (\@words);
        print "Nearest array entry is ", $words[$nearest], "\n";
        # Prints "Nearest array entry is brown"

    This module is a drop in, pure perl, substitute for Text::Fuzzy. All
    documentation is taken directly from Text::Fuzzy.

    This module calculates the Levenshtein edit distance between words, and
    does edit-distance-based searching of arrays and files to find the
    nearest entry. It can handle either byte strings or character strings
    (strings containing Unicode), treating each Unicode character as a
    single entity.

    It is designed for high performance in searching for the nearest to a
    particular search term over an array of words or a file, by reducing the
    number of calculations which needs to be performed.

    It supports either bytewise edit distances or Unicode-based edit

        use utf8;
        my $tf = Text::Fuzzy::PP->new ('あいうえお☺');
        print $tf->distance ('うえお☺'), "\n";
        # prints "2".

    The default edit distance is the Levenshtein edit distance, which
    applies an equal weight of one to additions (`cat' -> `cart'),
    substitutions (`cat' -> `cut'), and deletions (`carp' -> `cap').
    Optionally, the Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance, which additionally
    allows transpositions (`salt' -> `slat') may be selected using the
    method transpositions_ok.

        my $tf = Text::Fuzzy::PP->new ('bibbety bobbety boo');

    Create a new Text::Fuzzy::PP object from the supplied word.

        my $dist = $tf->distance ($word);

    Return the edit distance to `$word' from the word used to create the
    object in new.

        my $index = $tf->nearest (\@words);

    This returns the index of the nearest element in the array to the
    argument to new. If none of the elements are less than the maximum
    distance away from the word, `$index' is -1.

        if ($index >= 0) {
            printf "Found at $index, distance was %d.\n",
                $tf->last_distance ();

    Use set_max_distance to alter the maximum distance used.

    If there is more than one word with the same distance in `@words', this
    returns the first of them.

        my $last_distance = $tf->last_distance ();

    The distance from the previous match closest match. This is used in
    conjunction with nearest to find the edit distance to the previous

        # Set the max distance.
        $tf->set_max_distance (3);

    Set the maximum edit distance of `$tf'. The default maximum distance is
    10. Set the maximum distance to a low value to improve the speed of
    searches over lists with nearest, or to reject unlikely matches. When
    searching for a near match, anything with an edit distance of a value at
    least as high as the maximum is rejected without computing the exact
    distance. To compute exact distances, call this method with zero or
    undefined, the maximum edit distance is switched off, and whatever the
    nearest match is is accepted.

        # Get the maximum edit distance.
        print "The max distance is ", $tf->get_max_distance (), "\n";

    Get the maximum edit distance of `$tf'. The default is set to 10. The
    maximum distance may be set with set_max_distance.

        $tf->scan_file ('/usr/share/dict/words');

    Scan a file to find the nearest match to the word used in new. This
    assumes that the file contains lines of text separated by newlines and
    finds the closest match in the file.

    This does not currently support Unicode-encoded files.

        $tf->transpositions_ok (1);

    A true value in the argument changes the type of edit distance used to
    allow transpositions, such as `clam' and `calm'. Initially
    transpositions are not allowed, giving the Levenshtein edit distance. If
    transpositions are used, the edit distance becomes the
    Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance. A false value disallows

        $tf->transpositions_ok (0);

    These methods are not expected to be useful for the general user. They
    may be useful in benchmarking the module and checking its correctness.

        $tf->no_alphabet (1);

    This turns off alphabetizing of the string. Alphabetizing is a filter
    used in nearest where the intersection of all the characters in the two
    strings is computed, and if the alphabetical difference of the two
    strings is greater than the maximum distance, the match is rejected
    without applying the dynamic programming algorithm. This increases
    speed, because the dynamic programming algorithm is slow.

    The alphabetizing should not ever reject anything which is a legitimate
    match, and it should make the program run faster in almost every case.
    The only envisaged uses of switching this off are checking that the
    algorithm is working correctly, and benchmarking performance.

        my $trans_ok = $tf->get_trans ();

    This returns the value set by transpositions_ok.

        my $length = $tf->unicode_length ();

    This returns the length in characters (not bytes) of the string used in
    new. If the string is not marked as Unicode, it returns the undefined
    value. In the following, `$l1' should be equal to `$l2'.

        use utf8;
        my $word = 'в……в…†в…‡в…€в…‰';
        my $l1 = length $word;
        my $tf = Text::Fuzzy::PP->new ($word);
        my $l2 = $tf->unicode_length ();

        my $rejected = $tf->ualphabet_rejections ();

    After running nearest over an array, this returns the number of entries
    of the array which were rejected using only the alphabet. Its value is
    reset to zero each time nearest is called.

        my $rejected = $tf->length_rejections ();

    After running nearest over an array, this returns the number of entries
    of the array which were rejected because the length difference between
    them and the target string was larger than the maximum distance allowed.

    Text::Fuzzy is authored by Ben Bullock (BKB). The levenshtein algorithm,
    the documentation, and Text::Fuzzy's tests were taken directly from

    Please report bugs to:

    Nick Logan <>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.