=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Plugin::ChromeLogger - Pushes Mojolicious logs, stash, session, config to Google Chrome console


L<Mojolicious::Plugin::ChromeLogger> pushes Mojolicious log messages, stash, session and config to Google Chrome console. Works with all types of responses(including JSON).
To view logs in Google Chrome you should install ChromeLogger extenstion. Logging works only in development mode.

See details here http://craig.is/writing/chrome-logger

=head1 USAGE

    use Mojolicious::Lite;

    plugin 'ChromeLogger';
    #  or with options - plugin 'ChromeLogger' => {show_config => 1};

    get '/' => sub {
        my $self = shift;

        app->log->debug('Some debug here');
        app->log->info('Some info here');
        app->log->warn('Some warn here');
        app->log->error('Some error here');
        app->log->fatal('Some fatal here');

        $self->render( text => 'Open Google Chrome console' );


=head1 CONFIG

=head2 C<show_config>

push config to ChromeLogger (default 0)

By default we do not show config. It is usually static and can contain confidential data.

=head2 C<show_stash>

push stash to ChromeLogger (default 1)

=head2 C<show_session>

push session to ChromeLogger (default 1)

=head1 SEE ALSO




=head1 CREDITS

Inspired by L<Mojolicious::Plugin::ConsoleLogger>

=head1 AUTHORS

Viktor Turskyi koorchik@cpan.org
