difforig Sys-Filesystem-1.22

2007-07-08  Reini Urban <rurban@x-ray.at>

diff -ub  Sys-Filesystem-1.22/lib/Sys/Filesystem/Cygwin.pm.orig
--- Sys-Filesystem-1.22/lib/Sys/Filesystem/Cygwin.pm.orig	2006-06-01 19:10:48.000000000 +0000
+++ Sys-Filesystem-1.22/lib/Sys/Filesystem/Cygwin.pm	2007-07-08 18:03:45.734375000 +0000
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 use Carp qw(croak);
 use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '1.07' || sprintf('%d', q$Revision: 364 $ =~ /(\d+)/g);
+$VERSION = '1.08' || sprintf('%d', q$Revision: 364 $ =~ /(\d+)/g);
 sub new {
 	ref(my $class = shift) && croak 'Class name required';
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 	my @special_fs = qw(swap proc devpts tmpfs);
 	my $mtab = new FileHandle;
+	my $have_Win32API = eval { require Win32API::File; };
 	if ($mtab->open('mount|')) {
 		while (<$mtab>) {
 			next if (/^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/);
@@ -48,9 +49,38 @@
 				for (my $i = 0; $i < @keys; $i++) {
 					$self->{$vals[1]}->{$keys[$i]} = $vals[$i];
+				my $drive = substr($self->{$vals[1]}->{fs_spec},0,2);
+				if (exists $self->{drivetype}->{$drive}) {
+				  $self->{$vals[1]}->{device} = $self->{drivetype}->{$drive};
+				} else {
+				  $self->{$vals[1]}->{device} = 'unknown';
+				  if ($have_Win32API) {
+				    my $osFsType = "\0"x256;
+				    my $osVolName = "\0"x256;
+				    my $ouFsFlags = 0;
+				    my $drivetype = Win32API::File::GetDriveType($drive);
+				    #define DRIVE_UNKNOWN              0
+				    #define DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR          1
+				    #define DRIVE_REMOVABLE            2
+				    #define DRIVE_FIXED                3
+				    #define DRIVE_REMOTE               4
+				    #define DRIVE_CDROM                5
+				    #define DRIVE_RAMDISK              6
+				    if ($drivetype == 5) {
+				      $self->{drivetype}->{$drive} =
+					$self->{$vals[1]}->{device} = 'iso9660';
+				    } elsif ($drivetype > 1) {
+				      Win32API::File::GetVolumeInformation($drive, $osVolName, 256, [], [], $ouFsFlags, $osFsType, 256 ) and
+				      # NTFS, FAT32, ...
+				      $self->{drivetype}->{$drive} =
+					$self->{$vals[1]}->{device} = $osFsType;
+				    }
+				  }
+				}
+		undef $self->{drivetype}->{$drive};
 	} else {
 		croak "Unable to open pipe handle for mount command: $!\n";