# perl ABI Application Binary Interface (ABI) utility for encoding and decoding solidity smart contract arguments # Table of contents - [Supported types](#supports) - [Usage](#usage) - [Installation](#installation) - [Support and Documentation](#support-and-documentation) - [License and Copyright](#license-and-copyright) # Supports - address - bool - bytes(\d+)? - (u)?int(\d+)? - string - tuple Also arrays `((\[(\d+)?\])+)?` for the above mentioned types. # Usage ```perl my $encoder = Blockchain::Ethereum::ABI::Encoder->new(); $encoder->function('test') # string ->append(string => 'Hello, World!') # bytes ->append(bytes => unpack("H*", 'Hello, World!')) # tuple ->append('(uint256,address)' => [75000000000000, '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000']) # arrays ->append('bool[]', [1, 0, 1, 0]) # multidimensional arrays ->append('uint256[][][2]', [[[1]], [[2]]]) # tuples arrays and tuples inside tuples ->append('((int256)[2])' => [[[1], [2]]])->encode; my $decoder = Blockchain::Ethereum::ABI::Decoder->new(); $decoder ->append('uint256') ->append('bytes[]') ->decode('0x...'); ``` # Installation ## cpanminus ``` cpanm Blockchain::Ethereum::ABI ``` ## make ``` perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ``` # Support and Documentation After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. ``` perldoc Blockchain::Ethereum::ABI ``` You can also look for information at: - [Search CPAN](https://metacpan.org/release/Blockchain-Ethereum-ABI) # License and Copyright This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by REFECO. This is free software, licensed under: [The MIT License](./LICENSE)