=encoding utf8 =for HTML =head1 NAME Pastebin::Shadowcat - Perl 6 interface to http://fpaste.scsys.co.uk/ =head1 SYNOPSIS use Pastebin::Shadowcat; my $p = Pastebin::Shadowcat.new; say "Pasting test content:"; my $paste_url = $p.paste('
test paste1
', 'My optional summary'); say "Paste is located at $paste_url"; say "Retrieiving paste content:"; my ( $content, $summary ) = $p.fetch('http://fpaste.scsys.co.uk/471157'); say "Summary: $summary"; say "Content: $content"; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module allows to paste to L pastebin as well as retrieve content from existing pastes. =head1 METHODS =head2 C my $p = Pastebin::Shadowcat.new; Creates new C object. =head2 C my $paste_url = $p.paste('Paste content'); my $paste_url = $p.paste('Paste content', 'Optional summary'); B URL to the created paste (e.g. L). Cs on error. B one mandatory and one optional arguments: the content to paste and optional sumary. =head2 C my ( $content, $summary ) = $p.fetch('http://fpaste.scsys.co.uk/471157'); my ( $content, $summary ) = $p.fetch('471157'); B a two-item list: paste content and paste summary. Cs on error. B one mandatory argument: a full URL or just the ID number of the paste you want to retrieve. =head1 REPOSITORY Fork this module on GitHub: L =head1 BUGS To report bugs or request features, please use L =head1 AUTHOR Zoffix Znet L =head1 LICENSE You can use and distribute this module under the same terms as Perl 6 itself. See the C file included in this distribution for complete details. =cut