PBJ::JNI version 0.1 ==================== PBJ stands for Peanut Butter and Jelly. It is in general used to make sandwiches. It is also known as Package to Bridge Java, which is this package. PBJ is a suite of modules, implemented in object-oriented fashion, to let the Perl community take advantage of the Java open standards, while in the mean time staying in Perl. PBN::JNI is the first and the basic package released in this suite. All modules in PBJ are based in PBJ::JNI::* modules. To use PBJ::JNI::*, you need to know everything that is required to program with Java JNI in C. You can easily crash the program if you don't know what you are doing. So this module is not for people who want to use "pure Perl". It is in the design that all other modules based on PBJ::JNI::* in this package will have a pure Perl interface. This version was developed using Java JDK 1.2. FEATURES Warning: This software is still in alpha stage. It may not be reliable and its features and APIs may change in the future releases. o PBJ::JNI::Native module provides a directly interface to Java JNI C functions. o PBJ::JNI::JavaVm and PBJ::JNI::JNIEnv modules provide wrapper for Java VM functions in PBJ::JNI::Native in an object-oriented fashion. o The Java interpreter is linked with Perl so there is no other processes to manage. LIMITATIONS o use system malloc only o do not work with "hotspot". MODULES o PBJ::JNI::JavaVM o PBJ::JNI::JNIEnv o PBJ::JNI::Util o PBJ::JNI::Native PREREQUISITES o This library was developed by the author with Perl v5.6.1 built for i586-linux, orignally on a Mandrakes Linux version 6.1 system with 98 Megabytes of memory, and then RedHat 7.2 with 256 Megabytes for memory. o This library is never tested on any other platform. o The Perl used with this library must be compiled to use the system malloc suite of function. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Alternatively, if you have CPAN.pm installed and are connected to the Internet, you can try to do the following perl -MCPAN -e shell > install PBJ::JNI INFORMATION Please send questions and comments to "Ping Liang" COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (c) 2001 Ping Liang All rights reserved. THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. For more information see the README or Artistic files provided with the Perl distribution.