# SYNOPSIS loverl [options] Options: new [New Project Name] build help version ## Options new - Initializes a new LÖVE2D project directory. run - Runs the LÖVE2D project through the Love application. build - Builds the LÖVE2D project into a build directory help - Displays a help message on how to use Loverl. version - Displays Loverl's version number. # DESCRIPTION Loverl is a LÖVE2D game development command-line interface. # Setup Loverl uses Perl version 5.36 or later. ## Installation ### Using cpanm cpanm Loverl ### Using the Project Directory cpanm --installdeps . perl Makefile.PL make make install ## Git [Git](https://git-scm.com/) should already be installed. ## LÖVE2D [LÖVE2D](https://love2d.org/) should already be installed. ### love PATH on Linux The LINUX\_LOVE\_PATH environment variable should be set inorder to utilize the run command.