NAME RT::Extension::NewTicketFromCorrespondence - Make new tickets from correspondence DESCRIPTION This extension adds a "*Split Off*" action item to inbound correspondence items in ticket history, which allows the operator to create a new ticket, linked to the current one, based on that transaction. When a ticket requestor replies to their open ticket with a new issue instead of creating a new ticket, this "*Split Off*" action allows the ticket owner to create a new ticket on the requestor's behalf, including the correspondence automatically. Using this action opens the ticket creation form, with the correspondence already included in the message box and the requestor set to the sender, and with a "referred to by" link back to the original ticket. The operator can then adjust the message as necessary before creating the new ticket. The action is only available to operators who have *CreateTicket* rights on the ticket's queue and *ModifyTicket* rights on the ticket. RT VERSION Known to work with RT 4.2.16, 4.4.4, and 5.0.1. INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make install May need root permissions. Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/ Add this line: Plugin('RT::Extension::NewTicketFromCorrespondence'); Clear your mason cache rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj Restart your web server AUTHOR Andrew Wood All bugs should be reported via email to or via the web at LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2023 Andrew Wood. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later: This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.